Stop in for a cup of coffee

So I think I figured out why there is such a difference in taste in music here. It might not even be an age thing but more of a dancer vs. Non dancer thing.

A lot guys don't really dance. When you listen to classic rock, you don't really dance. You just listen while working on a car or doing something else (totally cool) if you are in a bar or club and you are playing classic rock, you just wallflower it and drink or smoke a doobie while nodding your head to the music. Classic rockers are easy going t shirt and jeans clad guys, many times with a chain that attaches their wallet and/ or keys to themselves.

In the 70s it was disco that attracted the dancers, Male and female. The males were gorgeous men like John Travolta who were in the club to dance. The idea of wallflowering it up with a drink was not in their cards and that is why they dressed and were smooth per their intent.

Same thing today, trappers, shufflers, dubsteppers, and edm dancers, male or female are not tshirt and jeans people. (Like me) They are in the club to dance and that is very fun. Their music is high energy and they are there to wear out the dance floor.

Even in this generation you have your tshirt and jeans and guys with the chains again who are not real mobile. They favor the music that is not very danceable like heavy metal (unless you consider a mosh pit as dancing..... not) even rappers, these guys will be found behaving exactly as the classic rockers and enjoying their music immensely but certainly not on a dance floor.
Well almost all us classic rockers.
Me, I spent years, single, and going to the club every weekend after I got off my shift at 10pm.
We all enjoyed dancing and to a band, no DJ.
Danced to real classic rock, and you could understand every word of a song, none of that heavy metal stuff.
If a scuffle broke out there was no shootings, or stabbings, just a fight, it was over, someone was tossed, start up the band.
A t-shirt wearing guy here wouldn't of made it past the doorman.
I never wore a wallet attached to a chain and my keys were in my pocket. Here that would of been a biker bar.
I had a blast back then. The wife and I still shake it when we go out.
me to Z man, fresh eggs over easy and country smoked ham with a side of B&G
Sounds good. Its a morning I have the Granddaughter getting dropped off. Mom works a 12 hour shift. I don't have time this morning to cook me up some eggs so Mickey D will do.
Well, made it to Thor's Day. Missing tons of what's happening here lately....Anyone do a quick recap?
Good Morning All.....
I shuffle to the music. All the time. Given a chance the tunes are cranked.
Too many zeros? If he wants $2,000 for the damn things at least unwrap them out of the cellophane so I can see him
Morning friends

What about our evening friends????