Stop in for a cup of coffee

Oh yeaaaaaaa

Walked In the door, kicked my heels off. Went to the fridge, got a cold root beer, took off earrings and all jewelry and layed on the couch.

Put my feet up and said, oh yea, nothing like getting out of work earlier than expected because I had a rock star day and got everything done with time to spare.

Now it's time to catch up on fabo and probably doze off a few times.

Yesterday was a 14 hour day and I was expecting the same today.
Didn't quite make it to 90* today. Good BBQ weather. Plenty of 805 close at hand to keep me hydrated :D. Saw a really neat little '57 T-Bird ragtop at the market. Just about the time I was reaching for the camera/phone 4 cases of "we don't have the money for driver's training in high school" arrived at the same time. Photo opportunity lost :(.
99 ram, 2 u-joints.Front drive axles. Going to be an awesome day tomorrow.
Do I have to be honest ? LOL

I have always liked the US, for the majority of my life been driving American cars. But, when you live somewhere else, you read and hear about other countries, and does not really know how it feels to live there in real life. That goes for no matter what country you are from. In general, Europeans knows nothing about the US, and Americans knows nothing about Europe. Give or take. The little people know is insignificant, and 95% of what people know is wrong.

Let us take the climate first. I so struggle with the heat here in California. I mean, I was born and raised in northern part of Norway, in a half abandoned fishing village. Used to drive with studded winter tires more than 7 months of the year. So, the climate is a huge struggle for me. I have lived here for 7 years, I have gotten a bit better, but not like people from around here. I am having fun making people here upset, I tell them I wish I could wake up tomorrow and have 2 feet of snow on the ground. Oh no, ... you are insane they say. I tell them, just think about how nice the famous California traffic would be, it would be none at all. Well, they manage to laugh a little then.

Norway has a bit over 5 million people, California has 40 or whatever it is now. You should think you could get everything you wanted here. No, I have a huge hassle getting things I am used to from Norway. Language is one issue, I walk around in stores looking for things I don't even know the names for in English. Have to explain what I am using it for. People just look at me like I am some moron, we have not used that here for 50 years... well well... I am old fashioned in addition to coming from Norway.

It is insanely expensive here. Food, oh man, I wish we lived in Maine, a basket of strawberries from the central valley cost $3.99 here, and the same strawberry from the same farmer in the central valley trucked across the country to Maine cost $2.99 they say. Go figure.
Quality of fish here... oh man, did I go there. It once was fish, quality is not in the California dictionary even. Who on earth sell a whole unguted cod in a seafood store ? I mean, it is rotten before it hits the doors to the store. Still legal in California. No wonder people here does not care much for seafood. They have never gotten good food. And the shrimp, they freeze it on the boat, then cook it later. The food is ruined. What could have been culinary wonder is completely ruined. The shrimp has to be cooked right away on the boat, in salted water, and then frozen. Those who have never experienced the difference does not know what I am talking about. I so wish people here could have come to northern part of Norway and experience seafood the way it can taste, if only once in their life. It is so sad that the laws are not in place to get the most out of the seafood.
I am not a fan of spicy food. Let me explain. It is not because it does not taste good, but for some reason my mouth and throat and chest gets numb and then the burning pain comes. And I loose the taste of it. So, if I eat spicy Mexican food, I have no idea if I eat seafood or meat, and I am not even able to tell if the food is perished or not. It is just burning.
Hard to get friends here or be accepted. I was here in 2012, just got married to my wife who is from here. Everyone was friendly when they heard we were here to visit. My wife could not find a job in Norway and we ended up moving here in 2013, and people heard I was now living here. Oh boy what a change in attitude, never felt so unwelcome anywhere as i feel here. I have always read that Americans were very welcoming towards people from other places. Not here.
But, I do realize that moving to a city, where 2/3 of the cars are foreign cars, and you barely see cars older than 15 years, when I am interested in cars older than 15 years, even 30, I am kind of an outcast.

Then, and this is kind a personal thing, I find myself more comfortable with people who are not mainstream. I am not A4. In addition I have the backbone to stand up for myself and admit I am not A4. I tend to gravitate to brands others don't like too much, whatever it might be. And I tend to go my own ways. That is just me.

I still love the US, even if I perhaps would have felt better in other and colder states. Not Minnesota, because I am not too agree with my own kind. :D
And, I do love my wife, more than anything, and I do love Americans. I do not care so much for American politics, I am not an American citizen, so I can not vote. But I do have my thoughts, and I hate the split between the two main sides of the people. Both sides needs to chill out, and learn to live with that politics is like the pendulum of a clock, it swings, and you have a democracy, you have freedoms others do not have, you have protection, one side will be in the oval office for a while, then after some years, the other side will be there. Just learn to accept it. The fighting that is going on now is plain ridiculous. It is just fighting for the sake of fighting. And people all over the world need to learn one very important thing, being liberal is no better than being conservative, and being conservative is no better than being liberal. It is just that we humans are born different, and liberals have to a certain extent conservative tendencies, and conservative have to a certain extent liberal tendencies. It just happens that some of us end up on one side of the median line, and some end up on the other side of the median line. We need to live with this, and stop trying to tell the other side that my side is so much better. Both sides have pros and cons, and it takes a man or a woman to see this and admit it. And it takes a man, or a woman to tell the other side that, well, maybe you are right sometimes. But it is equally important that the other side is willing to admit the same about the others. If people did, things have a tendency to calm down by themselves. Right now, people from both sides are throwing gas on the fire, and it does not gain anyone. And all this blaming of who's fault this and that is, it is not like only one is to blame for whatever happens in society. It only creates hate and distrust.

Well, that is enough. Hope you got to learn a little about who I am.

Well said good Sir.
99 ram, 2 u-joints.Front drive axles. Going to be an awesome day tomorrow.
Just did those a few months ago on mine...not too bad to do...passenger side is worse than the drivers side because of the 4wd accuator... broke 2 of the bolts off that hold it to the axle...saweet!!! That took a little
Just did those a few months ago on mine...not too bad to do...passenger side is worse than the drivers side because of the 4wd accuator... broke 2 of the bolts off that hold it to the axle...saweet!!! That took a little
Have done a few. Last go round owner decided to run it until 4wd wouldnt go no more. Demolished the inner and outer axle/disconnect on right side.
This guy wanted to run it as is too, then i explained what happened to the other one.
Go ahead, fix it.
Saw this today on my local dealer lot, same F8 green as my GTS. Very tempted, but probably won’t do more than admire it. My 300C isn’t ready to be replaced yet.

