Stop in for a cup of coffee

You know what they say.

"British cars always look stunningly beautiful, even when they are parked in front of a service garage every month"

Like a miniature rolls royce.
The one i wanted was gold. It was so cool. Leather interior.
They were very small.
No, it doesn't open, says blocked and then it is in all swedish language which I can't read.
I was afraid of that, I got stopped too, they want to sell your search information with Facebook and Google, and I managed to say no to that and get passed it.

If you get up a window with two buttons on the bottom, click on the left one, then choose No or Nei, for both facebook and google, and then the right button and it should open.
No, it doesn't open, says blocked and then it is in all swedish language which I can't read.

Now that '95 Saab looks pretty nice.


I have never eaten Lutefisk (fish (cod) in lye). I refuse to eat food that is so dirty it has to be cleaned in lye. No idea what kind of "korv" you have eaten. I love Swedish "falukorv", and for those who are not into the Swedish language, korv simply means sausage, as in franks and that sort of things. In Norway we do not say korv, we say Pølse, but we can not ask for pølse in Sweden, or it would be spelled pölse and is the same or similar to the Scottish "haggis". Oh man language is just plain fun. And when the Vikings roamed around on this same globe, they say Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Germans, Dutch, people in Belgium, France, and England could understand each other. Their languages were that similar. And now we are like, huh,.... how did you make that sound. lol

Anyway, I am a huge fish snobb, and extremely picky when it comes to seafood. My uncles were fishermen, so I am used to the best quality you can get. If not, I become grumpy. LOL, sort of like John Gustafson (Jack Lemmon) and Max Goldman (Walter Matthau). That is me when I get bad fish. :D :D :D We had poached cod today for dinner, potatoes, rutabaga stew and small pieces of bacon. My wife said, why does bacon go so well with fish. I asked, have you never seen that used in the US. No, never, was her answer. When it gets colder in the air I will smoke cod in my smoker (cold smoke it) then poach it, also with potatoes, rutabaga stew and bacon. First time I served that to my wife she said, "why haven't you served this to me before". :)
My wife went to college for a year in Demark. She has cousins that live in Sweden. She's told me the difference in the languages, but said everyone knew how to order a beer!!:D
Wow San Francisco just passed that the NRA is a domestic terrorist organization! Wonder what happens to members that live there now?
Wow San Francisco just passed that the NRA is a domestic terrorist organization! Wonder what happens to members that live there now?
Supposedly they all become felons from the article I read. It’s gonna be an interesting situation
Rain stopped,high of 67 today.
Slept in again.
Got the dodge ram done yesterday,despite the stuck bolts and bearings. Left inner tie rod was a fight.
Supposedly they all become felons from the article I read. It’s gonna be an interesting situation
I hated living in that area was just N of there in Sunnyvale. So all the cops that are NRA members are now felons, and all the tourist get screened?
That place needs a wall around it!

Morning TJ
I hated living in that area was just N of there in Sunnyvale. So all the cops that are NRA members are now felons, and all the tourist get screened?
That place needs a wall around it!
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Morning TJ
Think about it though. If they make them all felons by labeling them legally as terrorists, now they are forbidden by federal law from owning firearms, thus forcing them to either turn in their weapons or go to jail. Odds are, they have a list