Stop in for a cup of coffee

Them Vikings be purple!
So is barney

I really like that famous song he sings.
"I love me......I hate you "


Broke only one bolt on 4wd actuator. It was only stuck in the aluminum housing.
Other u-joint is done and replaced one seal and the long inner tie rod end. Im guessing at 6 hours work.
Snap on equipment rep stopped by, looking for a hoist and alignment machine.
Hes working on a few trades right now,figures he can find something that will suit my needs.
As soon as my 14 year old critter is no longer an issue.. And I believe 'off the hook' would be an understatement!
I am blessed. My new Tenants say they will care for Gunner, when I am away....:thumbsup:....But they are dog people, I allowed them to bring two here.....
So I have a technical question for the collective wisdom of the group. For better or worse you deviants have become my extended family! So my wife has been seeing a doctor for IBS, long story short she has come home with a new diet focused not on weight loss but on reducing the symptoms of IBS via food intake. I have attached the pix of her new bible for food. As the resident camp cook I am relearning how to cook in an effort to maintain the strict protocol of the diet. Holy crap, who can cook with out garlic? My question is do any of you have any experience with this diet and it's ensuing results? On surface it makes some sense but holy smokes what a PITA.

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This is the opposite diet of what I am on. I am on a Seafood Diet, whenever I "sea food" I eat. :D

Tuna steaks, fresh green beans and fresh taters from garden. No onions, mushrooms, or garlic allowed! Your talking to a guy who even grows his own garlic! Arghh!

View attachment 1715389503 mushrooms, garlic, or onions?? Sorry, I'm out!!
Mushrooms, garlic, and onions are a almost nightly food source here.
Throw those in with yellow squash and zucchini and its our veggie side here.
This is the opposite diet of what I am on. I am on a Seafood Diet, whenever I "sea food" I eat. :D

Ya well with my Swedish heritage wife's family I've had to stomach Korv and thanks!! :(
Once a year around Christmas they would gather. They'd make the Korv using a 100 year old sausage machine and cook up that smelly Lutefisk (fish).
My MNL was a saint and always had a hamburger patty for me.
I survived. :)
Ya well with my Swedish heritage wife's family I've had to stomach Korv and thanks!! :(
Once a year around Christmas they would gather. They'd make the Korv using a 100 year old sausage machine and cook up that smelly Lutefisk (fish).
My MNL was a saint and always had a hamburger patty for me.
I survived. :)
Ever see the King of the Hill “Revenge of the lutefisk” episode?
Ya well with my Swedish heritage wife's family I've had to stomach Korv and thanks!! :(
Once a year around Christmas they would gather. They'd make the Korv using a 100 year old sausage machine and cook up that smelly Lutefisk (fish).
My MNL was a saint and always had a hamburger patty for me.
I survived. :)
When I was young, my aunt Maggie always made mince meat pie, with real meat!! It was horrible, but no one told her, did not want to upset her. Well, fast forward 20 years, at fathers for thanksgiving, been in California, his house was in Indiana. Any way, I said, "you going to make some of that delicious mince meat pie?" The room got silent, Maggie said " I stopped making that years ago, I thought no one liked it!". " I will make a nice big one just for you!" And I ate it. well, me and the Dog! Dad and everyone laughed there asses off!!!
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I went off the healthy food regimen tonight. Broke out the cast iron skillet, fried chicken, taters, gravy.. I did make a nice dinner salad to go with.. gravy in a cast iron skillet is the best! I'm doin OK with this single guy thing!
Bachelorette life is the best.

Best part, is having my own bathroom.
That is the single most thing that makes it worth it, no one to move my stuff around. I am really particular with how I arrange things and I don't like other females using my makeup or males moving my stuff and peeing all over the bowl.

When I had to share a bathroom with my cousins, i lost so much good stuff and it was always like a crime scene because no one knows anything and no one saw anything. I guess the fairy God mother walked away with all the missing ****!!!

Really pisses me off so I like having my own bathroom.
Bachelorette life is the best.

Best part, is having my own bathroom.
That is the single most thing that makes it worth it, no one to move my stuff around. I am really particular with how I arrange things and I don't like other females using my makeup or males moving my stuff and peeing all over the bowl.

When I had to share a bathroom with my cousins, i lost so much good stuff and it was always like a crime scene because no one knows anything and no one saw anything. I guess the fairy God mother walked away with all the missing ****!!!

Really pisses me off so I like having my own bathroom.
The downside is, When something is jacked up, it's hard to find someone else to blame.