Stop in for a cup of coffee

Was still a chance of rain, but I got second coat on that part. Can’t always wait for ideal circumstances when you want your deck done. Was thinking about the next part and got a little wood on my way to work. When I get another load, I will be ready to do some screwing
So I have a technical question for the collective wisdom of the group. For better or worse you deviants have become my extended family! So my wife has been seeing a doctor for IBS, long story short she has come home with a new diet focused not on weight loss but on reducing the symptoms of IBS via food intake. I have attached the pix of her new bible for food. As the resident camp cook I am relearning how to cook in an effort to maintain the strict protocol of the diet. Holy crap, who can cook with out garlic? My question is do any of you have any experience with this diet and it's ensuing results? On surface it makes some sense but holy smokes what a PITA.

I got my seat cover for the Swinger today and the muffler for my pick up. Looks like I'll be busy soon.
Just watch, the new cover will look great and my original rear cover will look like butt. I'll end up ordering a rear. :BangHead:
So I have a technical question for the collective wisdom of the group. For better or worse you deviants have become my extended family! So my wife has been seeing a doctor for IBS, long story short she has come home with a new diet focused not on weight loss but on reducing the symptoms of IBS via food intake. I have attached the pix of her new bible for food. As the resident camp cook I am relearning how to cook in an effort to maintain the strict protocol of the diet. Holy crap, who can cook with out garlic? My question is do any of you have any experience with this diet and it's ensuing results? On surface it makes some sense but holy smokes what a PITA.

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Sorry, I don't know anything about that, or for that fact, anything about, med issues. I do know that , whenever I am in SE Asia for a few months, my body changes. I feel much better, and I retain muscle mass, but I loose fat, and I look, and feel much better. Must be the quality food there. JMO
Sorry, I don't know anything about that, or for that fact, anything about, med issues. I do know that , whenever I am in SE Asia for a few months, my body changes. I feel much better, and I retain muscle mass, but I loose fat, and I look, and feel much better. Must be the quality food there. JMO
Mitch, I totally agree. I am basically a closet vegetarian! I will eat meat if served but other than Elk and deer just not a red meat fan. When I was in Asia I loved the food! When in England (where food goes to die) I eat Indian. Que Karl! Hah!
So I have a technical question for the collective wisdom of the group. For better or worse you deviants have become my extended family! So my wife has been seeing a doctor for IBS, long story short she has come home with a new diet focused not on weight loss but on reducing the symptoms of IBS via food intake. I have attached the pix of her new bible for food. As the resident camp cook I am relearning how to cook in an effort to maintain the strict protocol of the diet. Holy crap, who can cook with out garlic? My question is do any of you have any experience with this diet and it's ensuing results? On surface it makes some sense but holy smokes what a PITA.

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Low FODMAP diets have been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of IBS in about 70% of patients. It is the standard now for establishing a basis for determining which FODMAP foods, or combinations of food, are creating the symptoms in each individual.

First, nearly all FODMAP foods are eliminated for a period of several weeks and then slowly reintroduced into the diet one at a time to determine which ones are causing the issues.

Having worked on several IBS/Crohns drugs, this diet is the front line approach these days before other therapies are employed.
For further information, FODMAP stands for "fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides and polyols."

For most people, FODMAPs are not a problem unless you eat too much of them. But some people, particularly those with IBS or Crohns, are very sensitive to them.

FODMAPs draw water into your digestive tract, which can make you bloated and they can hang around in your gut, ferment and create painfull gas and even diarrhea.
For further information, FODMAP stands for "fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides and polyols."

For most people, FODMAPs are not a problem unless you eat too much of them. But some people, particularly those with IBS or Crohns, are very sensitive to them.

FODMAPs draw water into your digestive tract, which can make you bloated and they can hang around in your gut, ferment and create painfull gas and even diarrhea.
Happens Everytime I eat. LOL...:rofl:
Low FODMAP diets have been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of IBS in about 70% of patients. It is the standard now for establishing a basis for determining which FODMAP foods, or combinations of food, are creating the symptoms in each individual.

First, nearly all FODMAP foods are eliminated for a period of several weeks and then slowly reintroduced into the diet one at a time to determine which ones are causing the issues.

Having worked on several IBS/Crohns drugs, this diet is the front line approach these days before other therapies are employed.
this first few weeks are draconian. Man I am limited in what I can feed her! Tonight I am searing some tuna and my side is garden veggie green beans and potatoes. She can't even have onions, WTF? But she can have all the butter she can stand? I am reevaluating my spice rack as we speak. To Mitches point I think I am going to cook Asian for a few weeks here.
What the hell are you guys talking about???

Some kind of tofu or something communist. I don't know. :poke:

So how about those Minnesota Vikings. :lol: