Stop in for a cup of coffee

I've been testing this spyware removal program on my computer, it's great!!! It caught things that malwarebytes didn't...

If you're running a computer with windows, download the free version and scan your system...
I've been testing this spyware removal program on my computer, it's great!!! It caught things that malwarebytes didn't...

If you're running a computer with windows, download the free version and scan your system...
And it’s called?
Well my back is much better today than it was last night. I did a bunch of stretching exercises before bed and again this morning after I got my muscles warmed up. I am back to about 95% now...thankfully.
I sprained my big toe on the other foot. Glad right leg is slightly better. Still limping and hobbling. Jeez..
Sold the RV today, no desire to camp or travel in it, not for awhile at least. It was 7300 pounds but comfortable, next one if we do will be lighter. I screwed up though, didn't winterize it, we moved into the house and I didn't at least throw a portable heater in it and open cabinets so two leaks when water was applied. Seller not overly concerned, can repair but the offer dropped, fair enough though, glad to see it roll off the property!
Wife and i walked to the house from the shop today, 280 feet.
She had 2 car lengths on me, i couldnt keep up.
I saw a guy post that "I just don't have the suds anymore". I can relate to that but I'm going to get in better shape by/for this summer. For me the less I do the less I feel like doing and I was pretty dormant living in the darn RV. So now what's my excuse LOL!
Im in my shop every day,on my feet a lot. Today i had to quit.
Tomorrow is a trip to city,so no shop time until afternoon. Maybe not at all.
One of the things I have found (for me anyway) is that as I have been losing weight, stretching has helped me regain far more of my mobility and physical capability than just losing the weight has.

I stretch daily in a specific routine now and I swear it feels like it has taken years off the condition of my body.

Calves, shins, hamstrings, glutes, pecs/chest, upper back, groin muscles and knees every night before bed and sometimes during the day after my muscles have warmed up depending on how I feel.

I can touch my toes with my knees locked these days...and it feels good!
That's good to be moving around, I'm doing more of that now even just walking around the house. Wind blows I have work to do as well, can't wait till Spring. Have my lift still to put together, heavy stuff.
Stretching is good, was doing this ap that our company is pushing, lots of stretching, some exercise, felt better when I was doing that!
I got a chance to drive the wife's rented Challenger today, what a great feeling ride. Solid feeling car for sure, good brakes, made it to 100 fast enough for me!