Stop in for a cup of coffee

Oshcut just needs a .dxf file. Figure on having them cut the parts out of 3/8 steel.
Hey hey hey. It went out yesterday. I put a single piece in there.008 let me know how it works, thinking of making them.
Nice finally all the parts are here to fix the truck. Main the mail/fedex/UPS has been slow lately, I guess a lot of people are still staying out from what I hear.
Yes they have. Nos have spiked also from what I can tell. Looking for a NOS Autolite vac advance for a guy they used to be around and around 30 or so, not anymore, hard to find and $90 is the lowest!
Glass came in for the Fargo yesterday. body shop buddy, says his cost $80 for the pair, plus tax. This pisses me off. I grab my phone, and use my calculator,add 30% and apply taxes. Drop $120 on counter and tell him dont argue. Sob always cutting me deals and he has people on payroll. I stood my ground this time. Btw,hes 6’3” and about 280.
2nd cup. This coffee is crap. Wife got the tassimo, so we are stuck with with it. No real coffee. I go out for coffee to make up for it.