Stop in for a cup of coffee

Man, ups driver gonna hate me!! 6 heavy boxes to pick up tomorrow haha.
Well I went and looked at that (49 Ford Truck ) after Church today.. Turns out its a 1949 Chevrolet 3100 Truck...LOL....All original with the original straight six and three on the tree. But.....pretty rough, they say it ran two years ago, has juice brake of unknown condition, AND RUST, Yes, just about every panel has rust. Most of it already filled with bondo, truck is in primer. I dont think its worth me fooling with to flip. But I think I can get it for 2K.....
Buddy got his dish working, had to move it, trees were blocking signal. I contacted a guy that does it for a living. $100 later its working. Funny, his other dish worked in the same spot.
Fired up the planer, ran a couple planks through it, for the shelf i want to build. Need to saw them to length,and figure out how im going to install them.
Gonna go look at an old 49 Ford F1 Truck after Church. Belongs to one of the Church members I know. But the poor guy has dementia now, and has had for some time. Wife wants to get rid of the 49, since he will never drive it again. Don't know anything about it until I see it today. Maybe a Flipper.....

Tell the wife that the husband promised to sell it to you for $100....
Heading out to hit some balls around.......


.And drink some beer......


and shoot the **** with friends.....

Dam, spent too much time in the sun at the beach today, burnt to a crisp...

I can already feel it on the back of my neck... You can all call me a red neck now... :rolleyes:

And the top of my head... I didn't think I was that thin up there, but apparently it's thinner than I thought as the top of my head feels burnt also... :BangHead:
My boy is officially a college student. So proud of you Seth!!

There are 13 branches of Engineering.. He is going for Material Science as the major. Essentially that is the group that works in the labs that tell the other engineers what to make their stuff out of.
It looks like it's going to be a long night... My sunburn is killing me... :mob:

I've been soaking it with a cool wash cloth to try to bring the temperature down... Then I took a luke warm shower to cool those areas better...

With the bad sunburn on my neck, I won't be able to turn my head for a few days... :mad:

When I tried to dry my hair, the sunburn on the top of my head hurt so bad, I couldn't rub the towel in my hair, just blot the water out of it and then hit it with a blow drier... :eek:

We got to the beach much earlier than we usually do, and I didn't take that into account with my sun exposure.... :BangHead:
It looks like it's going to be a long night... My sunburn is killing me... :mob:

I've been soaking it with a cool wash cloth to try to bring the temperature down... Then I took a luke warm shower to cool those areas better...

With the bad sunburn on my neck, I won't be able to turn my head for a few days... :mad:

When I tried to dry my hair, the sunburn on the top of my head hurt so bad, I couldn't rub the towel in my hair, just blot the water out of it and then hit it with a blow drier... :eek:

We got to the beach much earlier than we usually do, and I didn't take that into account with my sun exposure.... :BangHead:
Ummm, That sucks.
We had our stamp club picnic today. Took along most of the stuff I have from the recently disbanded Jr Club. Gave away about half of it. Still have lots to get rid of. Might ebay some and watching some FB stamp collector groups for new collectors I could give some to.