Stop in for a cup of coffee

Laura growed up a bunch in the last couple hours :eek:
yeah, ive been watching it since about 630 est, its grown in size and strength. I think it'll hit as a 4 but if it hits as a 5, i fully expect katrina level destruction
yeah, ive been watching it since about 630 est, its grown in size and strength. I think it'll hit as a 4 but if it hits as a 5, i fully expect katrina level destruction
IMO, it will not do as much damage as Katrina because Houston is not as poorly constructed a Louisiana....BUT the flooding will be tough.....
LOL......First time two back to back ..................
didn't happen. The first storm peetered out before making landfall, it came to land as a tropical depression, not a hurricane
on a related note (to hurricanes), I think I just got myself shut off for a few weeks ~ my ex just called from the school, seems my youngest got into a fight which is a pretty big deal these days with Covid and all.. she's upset and ranting on to me about his little mister attitude and how stupid he is to have gotten into a fight and yadda yadda, well after a while she starts to calm down and dumbass that I am I say "yes dear.. so did he win?" ..yea, she hung up on me, I guess she wasn't in a joking mood:lol:
IMO, it will not do as much damage as Katrina because Houston is not as poorly constructed a Louisiana....BUT the flooding will be tough.....
its supposed to come ashore near St Charles LA, which is just east of New Orleans and only 6 inches high in elevation
How about this...
I was lookin at NWS a minute ago sustained winds @ 110 knots :eek: that's 125mph :eek:
NHC live feed from the C130 recorded 124 knot winds at the eye wall about 15 minutes ago. needs to break 130 knots to be a Cat 5.

Storm surge is reported to be higher than 20 feet. Katrina was 25 feet, with just 19 feet in New Orleans. We're getting bad close. and still 10 hours till expected landfall.
A deceased friend o'mine truck driver/author/pilot/photographer not too much older than myself. If you ever ready Easy Rider Magazine you may have read some of his editorials or seen some of his photos. He was one of the first few pilots to fly into NO just after Katrina. He was a part time pilot for FedEx and volunteered for that gig. "Alex, it reminded me of flying into Saigon in the late 60s. It smelled like death." he said.
A deceased friend o'mine truck driver/author/pilot/photographer not too much older than myself. If you ever ready Easy Rider Magazine you may have read some of his editorials or seen some of his photos. He was one of the first few pilots to fly into NO just after Katrina. He was a part time pilot for FedEx and volunteered for that gig. "Alex, it reminded me of flying into Saigon in the late 60s. It smelled like death." he said.
I was there repairing telephone internet infrastructure working for AT&T. OMG, the overtime!!!! Bwo Ya!! got a 20K check for 2 weeks work!!! It did stink.....
I was there repairing telephone internet infrastructure working for AT&T. OMG, the overtime!!!! Bwo Ya!! got a 20K check for 2 weeks work!!! It did stink.....
psh, and to think, the National Guard when deployed for these things gets 60 bucks a day, paid 30 days later.
Hold on tight! 120 mile an hour winds ripped through Cedar Rapids, Iowa few weeks ago. Storm damage throughout the city and there is still people without electricity.
Hold on tight! 120 mile an hour winds ripped through Cedar Rapids, Iowa few weeks ago. Storm damage throughout the city and there is still people without electricity.
shes gonna be historic tonight. Why is it the women named storms are always the worst?!
Weren't all Hurricanes female monikered until just a few years ago? :lol:
no, they've always had male names. When the first started naming, they alternated female names with male names based on the year, so like in one year, all hurricanes would be male, the following female etc. But that changed way way back, Baker in 1950, Fredric in 1979, Andrew in 1992, Ivan, in 2004, Ike in 2008. Dennis, Michael, Bob, etc.