Stop in for a cup of coffee

This one?

Just when I thought it might be slowing down a little at work for Winter... Sounds like I am working Saturday plus 6 hours Sunday. And they might be running that way for several weeks. The money is good, but it gets old quick with no days off. Especially when I have lots to do at the house.
Good Morning
Today is a big day ….My brother just went in for his reconstructive surgery where they will remove his ey and later this morning I have an assessment to have my Mom placed in a home. All this craziness...I didn't have time to get a picture taken for the Calendar.
Painting the walls in my wood shop/ garage. Then epoxying the floor....Going to spray the walls with my airless, will go real fast.....Coffee mocha, a inexpensive color off the shelf....
Was a little worried about bubbles in the center of the new Vinyl Top yesterday. I think it was too much glue. They all laid down pretty good before I went in yesterday. When I let Gunner out to Piss at 8pm , I checked again and pressed some small spots. This morning it looks all good. Working now on the parts by the windows outside of the center belts. Put the car outside in the sun. Didnt use as much glue. Seems to be doing well. Sail Panels are next, and rear window strip......Pics after I glue it all and trim excess.... Thanks Dave for the tips and pointers....
Just checked again, over 3 grand for a gear vendor unit.......Tough pill to least for me.....