Stop in for a cup of coffee

Like Frank it is bitter cold up here today. Well below zero F. Cold enough I won’t let Hemi out to help me shovel snow. She has to be where ever I am and she got the tips of her ears frost bit last year when it was twenty something below and I was clearing drive. She has her own doors to come and go but simply won’t go in if I am out, so I have to block her door to keep her in. Wife is still stuck in Denver trying to get home. She got a seat on last flight out today so if that goes tits up she will spend Xmas at the airport. Arghh!
If Flight falls through, Tell her to rent a car and drive south. My place is more festive than an airport!
Add another one to the needs done yesterday list. Wife says 'oh, I notice a dark line coming down the front of the water heater". Well crap - when did you see it. Last week. Double crap.... 1/2 inch of water in pan, Has multiple rusty runs from upper element. Turn power off and open both element covers. Insulation is pretty soaked... I think its near 12years old, not worth messing with. Guess I will be buying a water heater Saturday..
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So why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves.

The traffic is heavy today and a lot of dipshits in the fast lane doing the speed limit or lower and won't move over.
Like Frank it is bitter cold up here today. Well below zero F. Cold enough I won’t let Hemi out to help me shovel snow. She has to be where ever I am and she got the tips of her ears frost bit last year when it was twenty something below and I was clearing drive. She has her own doors to come and go but simply won’t go in if I am out, so I have to block her door to keep her in. Wife is still stuck in Denver trying to get home. She got a seat on last flight out today so if that goes tits up she will spend Xmas at the airport. Arghh!
If it falls through, let me know,I'm 25 minutes from the air port.
So. Dad told me I need a gnome or troll for good fortune...Scandinavian thing. Didnt have one, so I drew one today....

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Very cool! Nice pencil work!

We have a traditional gnome/elf that my friend Tuula from Finland made for us a few years ago. We always make sure it is in a central location on display every Christmas/New Year season.

It wouldn’t be Christmas without it!

Merry Christmas Eve all.

sneak peak. Not quite finished, still waiting on wheels to dry.

They won't go and they won't get over......hate that too!
They are law breakers and many don't realize because they don't care to read the rule book.

Left lane is for passing only and it's unlawful to occupy the left lane.

Highways have signs posted, stating just that
They are law breakers and many don't realize because they don't care to read the rule book.

Left lane is for passing only and it's unlawful to occupy the left lane.

Highways have signs posted, stating just that
If you really want to see Bad/Aggressive Drivers, Then look no further than S.E. Asia...........:soapbox:
Small update, got both ball joints and bushing in on upper and lower control arms. They are currently primered. I think im gonna shoot them black tomorrow.

I took the opportunity to wipe down all excess oil and grease buildup around that area. I have a oil leak up top which I'm going to have fix asap. Also the oilfilter housing is leaking too.

I went ahead and broke down the driver side.

Tomorrow im going to remove the old stuff ie ball joint, bushing and clean, clean, clean. Drop the intermediate rod and hopefully the gear box as well. If I got some sun shoot one coat of primer on both assemblies.

I complete forgot about locating a pitman arm puller lol. But I think I have a puller that might work.

I've been dragging major *** on this job. I really should have been going back together tomorrow.
Gotta go buy degreaser because all the stores will be closed tomorrow.

Oh yea im also going to take the opportunity to remake the positive cable that goes to the starter. Idk what the original owner did but its butchered half way up and recrimpped. Not my style. I also have the starter partially in degreaser, damn thing was filthy. I don't put oily messy parts back on.
I cant go work in shop tomorrow. Pull engine on boxing day, install spare on sunday. At least thats what im hoping to do.
Raining buckets here now. 2” in the past 3 hours with 30 mph winds and gusts to 50 mph...and still going strong. I’m thankful that it’s in the mid 50s.

If this were snow or ice, we’d be in a world of hurt.

Still, it’s pounding the snot out of the house

Santa needs rain gear around here tonight.
Wind howling outside, heavy rains pelting the house...but it’s all nice and cozy inside.

Presents tucked under the tree and family safe and warm.


Merry Christmas everyone!
Raining buckets here now. 2” in the past 3 hours with 30 mph winds and gusts to 50 mph...and still going strong. I’m thankful that it’s in the mid 50s.

If this were snow or ice, we’d be in a world of hurt.

Still, it’s pounding the snot out of the house

Santa needs rain gear around here tonight.

Lucky, here in West TX we haven't gotten much rain in the past 10-13 years. When it did rain it looked just as beautiful as South TX.

Its dry, dusty, ugly and I hate it here! Grrr!!