Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got the transmission 1/2 out. Broke a starter bolt and one manifold bolt. Neither one will be an easy fix. T-case is out next is one bolt left holding transmission in. 2007 ranger, its in nice shape, but,damn its got some stuck bolts.
I did a simple outside door handle on my Buick. Less than an hour. Would have taken 30 min or less but a bolt dropped inside the door. Of course it should have dropped it the bottom. I was ready to go get another bolt when I dropped the second one. They both ended up on a ledge half way down the door. They didn't mke it to the bottom.
This is cool a tester for the testers!
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That's different!
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I have to go get a Covid swipe today too. Tuesday I'm having an out patient eye surgery procedure.
Cheryl went with me last week to the pre-surgery meeting.
Doctor told us I couldn't pick anything up heavy for a couple weeks, I said like a laundry basket...:D
Or a skillet, a door handle, a vacuum, I see you milking this for at least a month! ( I would!)
I have to go get a Covid swipe today too. Tuesday I'm having an out patient eye surgery procedure.
Cheryl went with me last week to the pre-surgery meeting.
Doctor told us I couldn't pick anything up heavy for a couple weeks, I said like a laundry basket...:D
You might need help going potty! :poke::poke::rofl::rofl:
Good Morning everyone - evening Mitch. Will be short day today, back to Green Bay for COVID swipe then self quarantine for the weekend for Monday. Supposed to be our nicest day so far and I will be in surgery. Oh, well, time to get this done and on to recovery.
Got R done buddy, it was inevitable given your symptoms. The recovery sucks but you will not be sorry. And you will finally be able to get some much needed sleep. You just don’t realize the wear and tear constant pain puts your body under. There are a lot of 2nd and 3rd tier related stuff that you don’t fathom at the time.
Transmission is out! Clutch slave is definitely the issue here. Need to pull pressure plate and inspect the disc. Its by far cheaper to replace it now.
tail light.jpg
Got R done buddy, it was inevitable given your symptoms. The recovery sucks but you will not be sorry. And you will finally be able to get some much needed sleep. You just don’t realize the wear and tear constant pain puts your body under. There are a lot of 2nd and 3rd tier related stuff that you don’t fathom at the time.

Told Doc I need to be able to drive up to MITP in June - I owe John beer....
Pulled pressure plate, clutch is nearing the end of its usefulness, so it gets the new one. Broken starter bolt came out easy, but manifold bolt did not. Had to drill it. Almost ready to go back together. Resting arms.