Stop in for a cup of coffee

So sadly I am losing my fight with addiction, I was looking for a Duster that Jodi could have as I am not relinquishing the Demon. And found this one on the web.What’s not to like, big block, tunnel ram, two carbs, I was panting like a dog in heat. Any of you guys know anything about these Cadillac Michigan boys?

I'm coming over. Be there around July.
OK, but I might have to make another batch by then.. This is mainly for my work lunches. Will portion it out and freeze. Mae won't touch it on 2 counts - spicy and she doesn't do venison. I had a sample bowl to make sure it is OK. LOL -is there 'bad' chili?

OK, but I might have to make another batch by then.. This is mainly for my work lunches. Will portion it out and freeze. Mae won't touch it on 2 counts - spicy and she doesn't do venison. I had a sample bowl to make sure it is OK. LOL -is there 'bad' chili?

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No such thing as bad chili, some is just better than others!