Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey Good Morning out there....anyone....well coffee is on.

About the same. Storms today, but I think most will be around me more then over me.
Had enoughvvrain last few dats skeeters are crazy.
Have TO finish driveway.
How is the new house going?
We've had rain almost every day for a month. Finally clear skies for the next week.
New house is coming along. Got a message yesterday, the seller, who lives out of state, had signed all their part of the closing paperwork. I think their movers show up early next week. If so. I'm going to try and move the closing up a few days. It will probably been 6-8 weeks before we're ready to move in.
We've had rain almost every day for a month. Finally clear skies for the next week.
New house is coming along. Got a message yesterday, the seller, who lives out of state, had signed all their part of the closing paperwork. I think their movers show up early next week. If so. I'm going to try and move the closing up a few days. It will probably been 6-8 weeks before we're ready to move in.
I hate moving. That's why I travel. Just me and what I can carry.
Have TO finish up a few property deals here. Squeeze in a day or two at Carlisle. Then off to Alaska for a few weeks.
Hope your move goes smooth.
Thanks!! Alaska that time of year will be nice, especially after the hot Carlisle temps.
Moving sucks, but going through and getting rid of a lot of useless stuff.
Agree on getting rid of useless things.
Amazing what we collect.
Daughter sent a few pics last week.
Temps had been warmer there then here.
Last week snow.
Well time to run. Stay safe. 3 officers shot in Delaware per still at large.
Hey Ray....
Hey what's the name of the silicone spray you use on your mower??
A little rain last night.
And into the 80’s today.
I actually ran the A/C yesterday for the first time in a couple of years. Not because we needed it but because Hemi got her ball stuck behind the unit and the seal tight was in the way. Being the brilliant dog she is she shredded the wire conduit to get to her ball. And I mean destroyed it so I got to rewire the A/C unit, then ran it to verify operational status. Dumb dog.
I actually ran the A/C yesterday for the first time in a couple of years. Not because we needed it but because Hemi got her ball stuck behind the unit and the seal tight was in the way. Being the brilliant dog she is she shredded the wire conduit to get to her ball. And I mean destroyed it so I got to rewire the A/C unit, then ran it to verify operational status. Dumb dog.
Nothing dumb about that dog!