Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning guys. Looks like I get to be deposed next week. When Wolfe and I were hauling his Monte Carlo to el paso last year, we were nearly in a bad accident, in Dallas. Just avoided it. Seems someone has been trying to locate me for some reason, since then. Got letter from law office. It was a crazy wreck. Like a NASCAR accident.

Off to Texas to testify are ya?
Good morning guys. Looks like I get to be deposed next week. When Wolfe and I were hauling his Monte Carlo to el paso last year, we were nearly in a bad accident, in Dallas. Just avoided it. Seems someone has been trying to locate me for some reason, since then. Got letter from law office. It was a crazy wreck. Like a NASCAR accident.
Do you actually have to show up? Wife is doing a Zoom hearing today for her fathers estate settlement. Hoping this ends it...
Road was nice and clear after that. That wreck blocked all lanes. We were the last ones who made it thru.
I still have to call....see what they want.
If the law firm is the first to contact you, I doubt anyone accused you of anything. Think the cops would have questioned you by now. Just wonder how they found you if you didn't stop and give a statement at the time.
I guess it took some time to track me down. Trailer was not in my name yet. And wolfies car on it had no tags. Or expired from PA. Only plate visible on front of my truck.
Yep, probably caught on someones dash cam. Unless it was an intersection. Those tend to have more cams in place.
Freaking cars flew by inches from the front of my truck. Miracle I was not involved..
@halifaxhops Here’s the card file I have. I still may use it for stamps. I can actually put the cardboard boxes I use for packets right in the drawers. Have been re-organizing a lot of stuff...

There was a semi waiting to get on freeway. On onramp. One car flew by us backwards went across 5 lanes up the shoulder and creamed the truck. Crazy.
There was a semi waiting to get on freeway. On onramp. One car flew by us backwards went across 5 lanes up the shoulder and creamed the truck. Crazy.
Could also be asking if you had a camera on it. They always want as many angles as possible. Sounds like a bit of chaos, so maybe tough to see how it started on the views they have already. For someone to fly past you , especially backwards, that car almost had to be going much faster than you to start with...
Could also be asking if you had a camera on it. They always want as many angles as possible. Sounds like a bit of chaos, so maybe tough to see how it started on the views they have already. For someone to fly past you , especially backwards, that car almost had to be going much faster than you to start with...
My truck has 6 cameras on it. But it is probably too late to retrieve any footage. Probably over written by now...
Yes. It will back up a trailer by itself. 4 rear facing cameras. One on tailgate. One in center brake light. One on each side in mirrors. One facing front in rearview mirror and one in front grille. 2 more inside.