Stop in for a cup of coffee

Order a free paper catalouge, they have all sorts of stuff. I basically used thier stuff building the hops stripper I made years ago. Never had a issue with any of thier stuff. Cant beat a fan bely for 2.99 either.
I ordered a Suncast outdoor storage cabinet for my rollaround generator. It will be a project as I have to add ventilation, probably a grate/screen with two box fans, possibly an exhaust port.
Without enough air flow, it's a good way to cook the engine. Just my take.
Hey look at thermal switches there also bet you can use two 12V fans and have them turn when it is running and turn off when it all cools down to save draw on the AC side. I have a controller on the drier think it was under $30 and has a on and off setting that you can change. Not water proof though.
I came home from work yesterday and the wife was busy, Christmas Village time. Lucky for me all I had to do was fix the train track (used foil lol) that had an open contact. This actually looks kinda cool with all the lights on, stuff moving, music, well music for a little while then we shut it off lol!

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Mae set this up yesterday. Need to do something different with the lights though. New and too many- I was blinded by it when I walked in last night. Lol

Time to cook breakfast, have 3 different colored bell peppers, onion. Going to try to make a scramble that looks half as good as the one's OMR posts, those look great!
Mine is similar but controls two devices.

Think Keefer translated the chineese english for me on that one!
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Hell you definately can do it all for under 100 if you can somehow get the exhaust out of the box, like a exhaust extender they make for RV generators.
I still do not know how you figured that out and I speak New Yourkease and understand the wife!
Yup. Sometimes when I get drunk I sleep in it. Comfy and cool in the summer!:rofl: And no fromunder with all that moving air! I can sleep like the dead in there for sure.
I actually made something similar for a friends bee hive. A steady 95 F to kill mites on them for 45 Min a day. 12VDC. Kind of cool.
That definately gets old fast had a month of that in PR. Try to get ten people to decide where to go is a big PIA!:BangHead: One member had food alergies also which limited alot of places. At least the hotel had a Outback in it! I was the ranking enlisted guy so I was the driver! Sucked most of the time. But bar hopping we had the PD drive us around and were there for security. Seriously! That was a weird trip there.
That definately gets old fast had a month of that in PR. Try to get ten people to decide where to go is a big PIA!:BangHead: One member had food alergies also which limited alot of places. At least the hotel had a Outback in it! I was the ranking enlisted guy so I was the driver! Sucked most of the time. But bar hopping we had the PD drive us around and were there for security. Seriously! That was a weird trip there.
When I first moved out here, I lived in a hotel for a month...