Stop in for a cup of coffee

Safety first...but what else would be better in bumper-to-bumper highway traffic??

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See if I ever say Hi to you again
Back from Carlisle, sucked might as well go to harbor freight. Two guys recognized me there no idea who they are. I must be famous!

Wow six months later and they STILL have your picture hanging in the bathrooms...:eek::rofl::rofl:
Back from Carlisle, sucked might as well go to harbor freight. Two guys recognized me there no idea who they are. I must be famous!

Wow six months later and they STILL have your picture hanging in the bathrooms...:eek::rofl::rofl:
Yup! I dont care how I am famous just being famous is fun!
hoppy tt.gif
Here is the best use for body putty bondo that I have found. I made a mold with cardboard, then poured it in and put my gorilla mitt in it. Presto, a little dremel work and some file work and you got one super fine butt ugly custom grip! 1911 frame with a Marvel 22 rimfire conversion on top. I was competing in a 22 rimfire match today. Heck I might even start doing body work next!



Wow. I never thought of using body putty for that. I have a 38 with an awkward grip. I have wondered how to fix it to fit me
Wow. I never thought of using body putty for that. I have a 38 with an awkward grip. I have wondered how to fix it to fit me
It really works well, mix the bondo up hot (Que Karl) so that it sets quick. You will need to make a container or edge if you will to hold it. I just used some cardboard and duct taped it up encompassing the grip. Once the bondo started setting a bit I put my hand in and established the grip I wanted. Then just kind of waited to pull my hand out. I used a super thin latex glove smeared with hand cleaner so I had a good release. (Karl is going to fillet me) For competition be careful if there is a weight stipulation in your class. One thing for sure once molded you can only grab the pistol one way. That goes a long way towards improving your scores. Maintaining a consistent grip is key.
Evening, woke up yesterday with a headache and a fever, sore throat and just felt like I was in a fog. Was supposed to have an MRI, but was told to stay home(duh). Started taking Zicam and aspirin. Feeling better today, still have stuffed up sinuses and a cough, headache is getting better also. Really cold outside 12deg lungs were hurting when I got back in from feeding horses.
Evening, woke up yesterday with a headache and a fever, sore throat and just felt like I was in a fog. Was supposed to have an MRI, but was told to stay home(duh). Started taking Zicam and aspirin. Feeling better today, still have stuffed up sinuses and a cough, headache is getting better also. Really cold outside 12deg lungs were hurting when I got back in from feeding horses.
Hope you get feeling better soon. Keep checking with the doctor with your progress.
Evening, woke up yesterday with a headache and a fever, sore throat and just felt like I was in a fog. Was supposed to have an MRI, but was told to stay home(duh). Started taking Zicam and aspirin. Feeling better today, still have stuffed up sinuses and a cough, headache is getting better also. Really cold outside 12deg lungs were hurting when I got back in from feeding horses.
Hydrate guy, hydrate!
Real slow tonight. How's it going...
It goes well Tim. Have been catching up on emails and other computer work today. As I expected last night, we were out with friends until after midnight, so slept in a little today. Got up at 8 instead of 6 LOL....
Speaking of sleep, I should be doing that. Too much caffeine this afternoon.
Snowed for much of the day and still going. But most melted as fast as it hit, so really hasn't amounted to anything. Roads were just wet most of the way home. Some slushy and intersections messy...

Huhges came back with a camshaft recommendation. It's a solid flat tappet 243/238 @ 050, 546/558 lift, 108 degree LSA.

I thought they'd recommend a bigger cam but my guess is low-range torque would fall thru the floor with the small cubes of the 273.

Huhges came back with a camshaft recommendation. It's a solid flat tappet 243/238 @ 050, 546/558 lift, 108 degree LSA.

I thought they'd recommend a bigger cam but my guess is mid-range torque would fall thru the floor with the small cubes of the 273.
That's a pretty nasty cam. I'm suprised they went that big.
I have so many 273's banging around in my head it's hard to keep them straight.