Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning. Got over 8 hrs sleep with only one brief wake up. Needed that:thumbsup: while I was zonked, the weather liars changed their tune from coating now up to 1-3.
Hard tail with an extended rigid front end are evil handling beasts to begin with
Here is my ridgid shovel with extended front end. I rode it for many many years. My middle Brother now RIP. Notice the soles of our boots. At one point I was broke and he bought me a pair same as his! What is a older Brother for! One of my favorite pix of the two of us.

Kinda like a low rider '64 Impaler. Appreciate the effort and enthusiasm, don't need to like it. :realcrazy:
I would never own one, but there is at least one REALLy nice one up here. full on sparkle paint, scallops, pinsriping, all the custom paint tricks. plus engraving on the chrome. And it'll stay PERFECT for decades because they're taken care of so well.
Back from Carlisle, sucked might as well go to harbor freight. Two guys recognized me there no idea who they are. Then one more guy at a surplus store. I must be famous! Did talk to Craig from Mobile parts. Good guy to deal with.
Back from Carlisle, sucked might as well go to harbor freight. Two guys recognized me there no idea who they are. I must be famous!

Wow six months later and they STILL have your picture hanging in the bathrooms...:eek::rofl::rofl:
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