Stop in for a cup of coffee

That's like the inmates ready to parole refuses to do the 3 month program to help him and he says "I'll get even with parole I will just Max out in 18 months"
Good morning, and yes @Old man ray , I shoot pool in a bar and everyone screams that song when it is played, a memory from about two years ago, ain't been out shooting for that long.
Good Morning All! Got woke up in my sleep for gun shots, no not here at my house, my sister in Salem OR, she texted on the group text about it. I'm glad she's ok, I should text her that right now lol!
Ok, ....

Everyone have fun today, 57 for the high and sunny, turning to rain this evening...

I need to start a thread with my southern members, you guys enjoy your day.

Mikie out
Just chillin today. More parties tomorrow, I'm sure....

Enjoy a relaxing evening Mitch.
Goooood morning c\_/ . I'm waking earlier still. Feeling great. Just feel me and see if I dont LOL
We'll get low 60s with 3/4 inch of rain during Thurs' and Fri' Back to Sunny and low 50s for the weekend.
Good Morning everyone. I hope all is well out here. Taught 2 classes last night, then stayed for sparring. Feeling a bit beat up and tired. It is warm today, should hit close to 40 but is windy. Back to teens starting tomorrow. May dig the rat rod out for a cruise tonight - seems too nice out not to.
It hit 70 here yesterday. I got the Chevy and Barracuda both out for a spin yesterday...they liked it. :thumbsup:
Having dinner outside by the pool tonight.
We have so much salt on the roads here (even if it did warm some) we could take footage that would resemble Bonneville.
We have so much salt on the roads here (even if it did warm some) we could take footage that would resemble Bonneville.
Salt is not too bad here. I just tried to go fast enough so nothing sticked. :eek:
Cheryl said she could hear the cars coming home before she saw them. :thumbsup:
Good mourning, what a great thread this is. February 1, 2022 God bless all
Sitting here thinking, my baby girl turns 46 this month, its hard to get my head wrapped around that one.
Good mourning, what a great thread this is. February 1, 2022 God bless all
Sitting here thinking, my baby girl turns 46 this month, its hard to get my head wrapped around that one.
I agree , my youngest son turned 41 this year