Stop in for a cup of coffee

We went from rain to this...

Wheel bearing, rear on 2012 exploder. Slide hammer on studs,porta power pushing from backside and oxy/ acetelyne to provide a great amount of heat. 1 hour with slide hammer, givin er all i got…
The owner was there and saw what i did…
Wheel bearing, rear on 2012 exploder. Slide hammer on studs,porta power pushing from backside and oxy/ acetelyne to provide a great amount of heat. 1 hour with slide hammer, givin er all i got…
The owner was there and saw what i did…
Some deliverys are harder then others.:poke:
Good job as usual.
Wheel bearing, rear on 2012 exploder. Slide hammer on studs,porta power pushing from backside and oxy/ acetelyne to provide a great amount of heat. 1 hour with slide hammer, givin er all i got…
The owner was there and saw what i did…
Just reading this made my wrists and shoulder hurt.. hurt bad !! Charge them accordingly :) a giant job , hope you got it completed and out the door.
I think a lot of businesses buy them and invite clients/friends/etc - write offs.
I think a lot of businesses buy them and invite clients/friends/etc - write offs.
What happens is, Scalpers like stub hub buys all the tickets up, and resales them at a hefty profit. No way to get a ticket unless you are a season ticket holder. And lots of them resale there tickets for massive profit....I might be wrong...
What happens is, Scalpers like stub hub buys all the tickets up, and resales them at a hefty profit. No way to get a ticket unless you are a season ticket holder. And lots of them resale there tickets for massive profit....I might be wrong...

It happens every year..
Players get so many tickets, and sell a percentage. That's part of it.
Hey if you have money to throw away, Go ahead. Whatever floats your boat.
best thing about costco are the hot dogs!

They used to have trays cooked seasoned wings in the department next to the rotisserie chickens.. They were great, especially if you bathed them in bbq sauce...

Then they discontinued them and that's one of the reason's I didn't renew my membership.... :mad: