Stop in for a cup of coffee

hell put some of that in my gas tank:D:rofl:

You want some of this????

Ford Wash.jpg
Morning kiddos...

Wednesday... warm up and rain. Guess it beats sheets of ice.

Go forth and do great things

Oh... and Happy Woodchuck Day

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Morning groundhogs. With all the snow yesterday, I just hope they can find Phil...they did find his ex-wife though. :D

Well being in Phil's back yard....I looked outside and it is cloudy out so we will see what the little bass tard says today
Morning all. I am ready to get this show on the road. I have a family to see and cars to molest. (however you spell it). Hope you all have a great day.
My sister lives in Salem OR, people were shooting on her street night before last so she kept texting us all. I get it she was scared but man was I tired at work, didn't want to figure out how to turn off notifications from a dead sleep so just shut my work phone off, not really a great option but I did it. Glad she's building in Eastern Oregon, get her out of that neighborhood.
My sister lives in Salem OR, people were shooting on her street night before last so she kept texting us all. I get it she was scared but man was I tired at work, didn't want to figure out how to turn off notifications from a dead sleep so just shut my work phone off, not really a great option but I did it. Glad she's building in Eastern Oregon, get her out of that neighborhood.
Yeah I’d jump ship too.
Good morning c\_/. No doubt about it... Six more weeks of basketball. Have a great day.
She just retried as a bus driver, she's seen her share of crazy people. She's moving near my other sister who is currently building for their third over there, giving her tips about which contractors, permitting etc.

How far East are they? I have family in Bend