Stop in for a cup of coffee

Prepared for the ice and freezing rain, generator gassed up and 4 gallons to refill, fire wood split and brought in to the shop, truck tank is full, I pulled some deer burger out to start a big pot of chili.
Hope everyone is doing ok noth of me.
Coffee has done its job, now to get a hardy breakfast in my wife and I.

Good morning wild and wicked Wensday! I made it to Hump day :thumbsup:
It's Woody Wednesday!

Good morning :D
Back in out with the snow blower clearing the driveway. Got about five inches of snow still coming down and a strong north wind. Daughter will be dropping the granddaughter off soon they have a snow day. Driveway is 130 yards long with a curve and some steep sides. I didn't want her to guess wrong on the way up.
Next snow like this I have some red utility marker flags. I'll put a few of them out the day before.

Yes...finding the edge of the driveway can be a challenge. I put those tall orange/white rods up down the end of the driveway to show where the drainage ditch and culvert are. I've had delivery drivers and others jam their vehicles in that ditch several times previously. I'm at a dead-end so they tend to back into the hole when turning around.
Watching Oak Island. Had been a bit boring this season(no pun intended- mostly doing a lot of core drilling). They finally going to do some major digging. Bringing in equipt to do 10ft round cans 100+ ft deep. Should be interesting
We've watched it since season one. This year though, we question why we watch it.
We agreed last night if they don't find the big treasure this year we're done.
We've watched it since season one. This year though, we question why we watch it.
We agreed last night if they don't find the big treasure this year we're done.
I gave up on that when they come back from a commercial and do a 5 min recap.
I've been interested in that place since reading the story as a kid. So, will continue watching. They sure do drag things out. LOL Doesn't really bother me,cause I'm watching it later. I can fast forward through it. Most of the time I just let it play while I'm on the laptop after work catching up on all you guys BS :poke: