Stop in for a cup of coffee

Snow removal sucked yesterday. Had drifting and a 20 mph North wind.
I got so cold I gave up after five hours.
Think I'm going to get a blade of the old rifer John Deere I brought from the old house.
Neighbor has one and he was plowing right through it.
Too big a driveway to f**k with it.
I have one on the old mower I used for years before I got the tractor. Worked great!

Good morning from the icy tundra of Southern Indiana. Where the ice continues to come down. Just had to make a gas station run because I made the mistake of not checking the wife’s tank level yesterday before the storm. Got up early today to scrap all the ice off her car and found it to literally be on empty...:mad:.

so I ventured out and the roads are as expected terrible. 2.5 inches of rain yesterday and until the change to ice about midnight. So no pre-treatment. An SRT on ice is well fun. Stopping sucks, going isn’t so bad with the AWD.
Good Morning All! Yeah Mike the weather must be bad over there, was pawing around looking for Hope Arkansas to see where the Klipsch museum/factory was. On Google Maps and it's marked "severe storm" or something like that, thought it weird cause wasn't the weather channel.
Oh and whatever engineer designed the electric opening gas door, I’d really like to talk to you....
-35. Damn. Thats cold. So plowing snow will be a total beeotch today.
I thought I had my snow removal issues fixed with chains for my tractor until they didn't clear the inner rear fenders. Now another $400 for wheel spacers and studs, those tires ought to be fun changing! Haven't ordered yet as just plunked down $600 for the chains (4). Wifey kinda pumping the brakes but will order soon.
-35. Damn. Thats cold. So plowing snow will be a total beeotch today.

That's frickin cold! Well you almost made it to zero last week : ) Yesterday we had a mix, tried to snow but kinda sleeted/hail/flurry, right at 32 degrees F
No sidewalk here either. Ad said it was easy on and off.
Good plow. I still have it need to get that mower going again actually to do some areas my tractor cant get to. Hey get a set of weights for the *** of the tractor also. I got mine from craigslist for I think $50

Good plow. I still have it need to get that mower going again actually to do some areas my tractor cant get to. Hey get a set of weights for the *** of the tractor also. I got mine from craigslist for I think $50
I figured just a 60 pound sand bag across the rear end would do it.
E mail the guy make sure it has the mounting brackets. I am not sure if I bought them and the weight hanger separately or a package deal.