Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning fellers!
Good morning Mike.

Year of this is driving me crazy


Hey y'all.

38° and rain. I'll take it after listening to Chris's auto ice skating story. Tough to get HH6 to conduct pre mission checks :rolleyes:
Hey y'all.

38° and rain. I'll take it after listening to Chris's auto ice skating story. Tough to get HH6 to conduct pre mission checks :rolleyes:
Haha well I did fill the truck and Jeep. And my wife was supposed to fill her durango on the way home from work yesterday. I just didn’t check
A balmy -27F up here on the frozen tundra, but I am warmer than Frank so there is that! No point in checking what the wind chill is, rather pointless. Hemis ear tips are now frost bit. No hair on the edges! (Que Karl) I ordered some Italian beef sandwiches from Portellos in Chicago as I got a old hockey buddy flying in this weekend. He is originally from Chicago. He was my Coach for several years and then ultimately became the Commissioner of the league. After several years we all forgot his name and he became the Commish. He is a hoot, we will have a blast.
Went to plug in the block heaters. Cords are like a steel bar,have to be careful as not to break them when i plug in.
Had one cord years ago that shattered when i tried to coil it back up. Insulation broke off.
Went to plug in the block heaters. Cords are like a steel bar,have to be careful as not to break them when i plug in.
Had one cord years ago that shattered when i tried to coil it back up. Insulation broke off.

Hah... yeah that's cold. Had guys that would forget to put their boots inside their sleeping bag with them at night. The next morning when trying to or put themn on the boots broke like they were made out of clay. -65 F ambient air temp.
Went to plug in the block heaters. Cords are like a steel bar,have to be careful as not to break them when i plug in.
Had one cord years ago that shattered when i tried to coil it back up. Insulation broke off.
Damn, that's cold.