Stop in for a cup of coffee

I picked a bunch of Cherries on the west shore, a town on the lake comes to mind ! New Port i think, near a zoo on the most southern shore, I was there every year from 7 to 15.. beuityful girls near that area, ugly girls near Chicago Illinois. :lol:

Hey, Chicago has some good looking women.... :mad:
Didn't I meet you when I was staying with Tony Fields the year they had a mopar meet there and Indi ?

Do I know you.jpg
Hey, Chicago has some good looking women.... :mad:

Why of course it does, but out in the farm land out of the city 60 miles or so away there was always a couple beuityful girls (all taken) i was running from some of the ugliest girls i had to hid from (or just be rud) i had better luck in Michigan (grand Rapides area in the farm land ) because it was 7 to ten good looking sharp girls to two ugly ones... remember, I was 12 or thirteen to 14 at the time so...
Lol, your right though, bunch of them i bet near the population
So, got my truck running, wifes suv also started. Plugged in for 6 hours. My plow truck was running so bad yesterday i couldnt plow. Aux battery had dirty battery connections and i think it was arcing. Drove the computer nuts. All i did was clean posts and cables and charge it. Runs like it did last summer. And plow pump works a ton better.
Is your tractor 4wd? If it is put some beet juice in the rear tires for weight. In 4wd mine just busts through the deep snow.

Yes and there already is plus a grader on rear. That won't overcome icy and steep, been down the hill and almost couldn't get back up. Pushing snow with a bucket also takes away traction. I hope I never get a flat, heard it's pretty messy lol! Thank you for the suggestion, they told me at Kubota they would do that for stability. Now my wheel spacers, when I get them will give me a slight bit more.
So, got my truck running, wifes suv also started. Plugged in for 6 hours. My plow truck was running so bad yesterday i couldnt plow. Aux battery had dirty battery connections and i think it was arcing. Drove the computer nuts. All i did was clean posts and cables and charge it. Runs like it did last summer. And plow pump works a ton better.

It's amazing what shiny terminals can do. I just worked on my winch, didn't think there was much corrosion if any but brushed everything anyway, winch runs much smoother, seems to have more oomph.
Went to wash my Yamaha, but they are closed for Tet. Chins brother was using my bike, and it was dirty. Also see now the electronic display is f'd . Can't see how much fuel or speed. All fogged up. Guess I'll have to fix that.
No chance of freezing tonight. Was 55 when I left work at 11. It is dropping and now they say will hit 32 late morning...