Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning! I slept in a little today because I was out late shopping for supplies for the boys science project.

No fire! I didn't get shocked but not satisfied with it all. If I can get this thing to work I will send a pic.

Coffee brewing
See ya Mitch. Say a prayer for us. I usher at 10:00 myself today.
Well the important thing is you got the coffee working the hell with the heat!
Tike, I got the package from MEMI yesterday. It is kind of cool. It has one of the fancy serrations that can probably be used for a bottle opener in the field! LOL
Hey we got great news in the mail yesterday Christofer my son got accepted to Lebanon Valley College with a 1/3 scholarship! Now if the VA will get of its *** and recognize my 24 3/4 years of service and some bean counter puts the right code into the right box I can transfer my remaining GI benefits to him for a free ride for a couple of years.

That's great news. Any help with college tuition is a big bonus. That's his reward for being a good student and you a dedicated soldier. Thanks for your service.
Mike what do you have on the table today?

Usher at church and see if I can fix the frig. I might just have to transfer the frozen food to the deep freeze in the basement and ice down the rest. If it's not too cold out I would like to look over my newly acquired Dakota and see what it needs.
Bottle opener....that's great! I wish I could have seen it. It really looked cool in the pictures.
He actually pisses of Mom and I. He had a 3.8 GPA at community college and never even studies. Reads it once and done. His major will be computer science which I am on the fence about but what can I do. My step brother runs a company that produces Video games and said he can make 120k right out of school with his CO. I guess it is in high demand but what happens to the field when the Zombie Apocalypse hits?
There is a 93 Dakota with a 318 manual shift. It wouldn't pass inspection due to rusted frame. $350. I love Dakota's but have too many projects as it is.
I need to find a small truck. The Yukon to me is not worth putting 1500 in parts into. The only thing I have with a ball is the dart and the tractor!
No it did trip the breaker twice. I thought it was a little LED light that shines above the counter so I unplugged it. It was hot and one of the prongs stayed in the socket so I pulled it out and set the breaker. 10 minutes later I saw the sparks fly. What concerns me is the GFI did not trip.
He actually pisses of Mom and I. He had a 3.8 GPA at community college and never even studies. Reads it once and done. His major will be computer science which I am on the fence about but what can I do. My step brother runs a company that produces Video games and said he can make 120k right out of school with his CO. I guess it is in high demand but what happens to the field when the Zombie Apocalypse hits?

At least he went to college. My 2 boys thought that's what they wanted to do too. Zombie Apocalypse, that's a good one. LOL
I need to find a small truck. The Yukon to me is not worth putting 1500 in parts into. The only thing I have with a ball is the dart and the tractor!

Want me to check into it? $350 is scrap price! If it isn't too bad it could be welded.
It will happen when the internet is down for more than 8 hours! Thousands of I am cooler on liners walking around in a daze. Airborne anti depressants will be dropped on major metropolitan areas by the USAF! Think about it.
Want me to check into it? $350 is scrap price! If it isn't too bad it could be welded.

They usually rust under the cab mounts. My 2000 is starting to go but the 2 1996's are good. The 1996's were well cared for.
It will happen when the internet is down for more than 8 hours! Thousands of I am cooler on liners walking around in a daze. Airborne anti depressants will be dropped on major metropolitan areas by the USAF! Think about it.
LOL I can see it now!
Dart, Might want to spot check some others to see if that lot of receptacles had a problem.