Stop in for a cup of coffee

Going out again now 5pm here in VN...
Hey guys... up and moving. Worked late last night getting some briefing materials together. Down side of the home office but gets me ahead of the curve today.
Morning gang...another 50's type day here again. So far with our warm weather all I've done is enjoyed it. :thumbsup:
News reported Bob Saget died from head Trauma.
If anyone is interested.
If you fall like that go in a hotel room, go to the freaking hospital and get checked out. I'm guessing he slipped somewhere in the bathroom?? Awful way to end.
Good Morning everyone. Testing went well last night, have the remainder of students testing tonight. Board meeting after - ugh. At least it will be over then, short work day tomorrow and some needed time with the Demon. May be starting to meet on Saturdays for a few hours for weapons training for our competition trip to Korea later this year.
So my eight-year-old Grandson got in trouble at his public school a couple times this week.
They were in group read and he commented the guy in a picture looked Mexican.
The teacher told him talking like was a racist comment. A little hard on an eight-year-old.
Later a classmate was recognized for a great job at something they did in class. He commented "practice makes perfect"
The teacher told him there wasn't anything perfect and he shouldn't say that.
Needless to say, my daughter called and spoke to the teacher, then the principle, and then the school district.
They are looking at private school.
@Mattax We talked cast iron skillets a couple weeks ago.
As I cleaned Grandma's old skillet last night (hot water and scrub no soap) I decided to research the brand.
It's a Wagner. I found a website and this skillet based on the marking was manufactured in 1922.
Wow makes it 100 years old. I can remember it since I was a little kid.
Lots of good eats!!