Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everyone.
Going to be a dandy day, may have to go yank a few lips later (big bass near the over flow) in deep water.
Hope I get to see my kids today, its been a few weeks.

Sounds like a great day Mike!
thanks, now if I can get a late good breakfast in me to fuel this day I will be good to go :thumbsup:
I seen this picture and I agree, I catch some giants when on the edge of a weather system....but this guy has a good read on the weather :lol:

What part of Arizona? I will be down there in a couple weeks

:D In Ca. but now AZ. and Ca. share PDT or AST whichever you prefer to call it. I was thinkin' on Phx Memorial Day weekend. Visit the brats an granbrats and coincidentally Steely Dan is in concert at one of the gathering places in Phx on the 31st.