Stop in for a cup of coffee

Craig what did you do security forces? You must have seen your share of stupid members.
A buddy had some artillery simulators. The size of a pop can. Blew a hole in the base of a tree. The neighbors came running out of their houses. Thought someone's house blew up! :rofl::rofl:
They freaking control those things so tightly these days that we have to turn in the debris from them.
Whats funny some farmers have dynamite still and blow up tree roots still. Leagle actually since they bought it pre ban and it is for farm use.
I am amazed none of the guys from my tent in Turkie got court marshaled. We were all the bad boys in one tent and all loved to party. They actually put a first seargent in with us from the operations side. We gave him a nervous breakdown in two weeks. Got medically discharged. Still the the outstanding moment was the creation of casual Thursday which we made Thong Thursday. They could not do a dam thing about it! We actually got a deployment patch made up "I survived tent 1133 and got a honorable DD 214!" Pretty funny. What prob saved us was the detachment commander hung with us in the Rescue hootch we made. Alog with two army 0-5's that were waiting to get shipped home for "other" reasons. Remember the Army was under article 1 and no drinking. Crap that deployment sucked but was fun also looking back.
I am amazed none of the guys from my tent in Turkie got court marshaled. We were all the bad boys in one tent and all loved to party. They actually put a first seargent in with us from the operations side. We gave him a nervous breakdown in two weeks. Got medically discharged. Still the the outstanding moment was the creation of casual Thursday which we made Thong Thursday. They could not do a dam thing about it! We actually got a deployment patch made up "I survived tent 1133 and got a honorable DD 214!" Pretty funny.
When deployed, as long as you don’t embarrass a Star, most don’t give a ****
When deployed, as long as you don’t embarrass a Star, most don’t give a ****
We never got excited unless it was a two star or more. Seriously the one stars were all over the place. Another crazy group we got invited into thier "not a bar" was the Brits, just a few of us were allowed in. They were off the wall.
Willie ever bury a sea dye pack and wait for it to rain in the sandbox? Another fun thing to leave for the replacement units!
From the heating fuel in the MREs? What detonates it? I used to buy the little heating pellets from C Rations for camping when I was a kid for Scouts.
From the heating fuel in the MREs? What detonates it? I used to buy the little heating pellets from C Rations for camping when I was a kid for Scouts.
What causes a balloon to explode when blowing it up? Same concept, gas pressure builds up, pops the bottle, things go boom
Just a chemcal reaction. Turns hot enough to boil water. Think it is magnesium and something. Guy threw a old one in a fire with the used packaging, water did not want to put it out for sure.
Man, I just realized I haven't done anything on the forum for like a week.
Its been hectic and It probably won't slow down until the second week of spring break which starts next week. Saturday I had my eagle scout project I finished. And the whole of last week was preparing for it. Then I went to auto shop and realized I was behind on paperwork. Had to catch up on that yesterday.
I have a big test in government tomorrow, and I cant study becuase I need to go after school to the welding class at the local college where a buddy of mine is going to weld up my exhaust for the duster finally.
That needs to happen so I can drive it wendesday to school and then to auto shop at the college because my professor wants to drive it so we can tune it better. (little lean and it bogs when you snap it to wide open) Yesterday I was going to change around secondary springs in the carb because they weren't opening at all. Then I realized that I could just loosen the vacuum signal screw to make them open faster.

:steering:went and tested it (still open header) and while they opened, it was not as fast as I hoped. Made another adjustment, then tested it a little more. (couple of 6000rpm pulls) ***** IS FAST. still had the bog but if I roll into it, it is fine and revs out good.
My Grandad's recipe for dynamiting fish, liquor bottle with a tiny hole in the lid, 1/4 cup of hot lye in the bottle, let the water do the rest when you chuck it in the pond.
THEN on spring break, I am going to help a buddy put the interior and finish up his restoration on his 1970 Satellite (the car my 318 came out of) and button up the restoration of his 67' coronet convertible.
Busybusybusy. and my transmission is almost dead. the seals have gotten weak and it slips in drive when I am romping on it and it won't shift from 1st to 2nd at full tilt. I need to let off then get back into it.
I remember on that deployment also the one star was a ***. The pararescue guys stole his car keys for the staff car somehow and pulled it into the back of a C-130 that was sitting for a while. That was funny as hell the MP's tore the base apart looking for that thing. Just showed back up in his parking spot again a week later..
THEN on spring break, I am going to help a buddy put the interior and finish up his restoration on his 1970 Satellite (the car my 318 came out of) and button up the restoration of his 67' coronet convertible.
Busybusybusy. and my transmission is almost dead. the seals have gotten weak and it slips in drive when I am romping on it and it won't shift from 1st to 2nd at full tilt. I need to let off then get back into it.
You can do the re seal on that or even a rebuild not to hard.
Oh man Sea dye on the final flight for a rescue pilot. Kind of like Gatorade for the winning coach!
You can do the re seal on that or even a rebuild not to hard.
that is one thing that I really need to learn; transmissions and how to rebuild them. When I am out of high school the rear end and the transmission are the first things that are going to get attention. If I tear into it right now it wont be back together in time to do graduation burnouts at the end of the year. I just got it reliable and that's all i need right now.
There are a few good books on them out there and really not to expensive. What rear you have in it?