Stop in for a cup of coffee

I remember when we first got MRE's. That was close to puppy chow. :eek: Just give me a C-rat!!
Only had MREs a couple times. I think they were much improved over the originals.
We were issued them when I went to Idaho, but never ate them.
I remember when we first got MRE's. That was close to puppy chow. :eek: Just give me a C-rat!!
The early 1990s version? Yeah, they were nasty, but man they last forever.

new ones aren’t bad. Even have a pizza kit one now.
Rocker all disected out, except for 1 4” piece,need to grind it away. Going to be interesting to weld internal structure back together. Think i will be cutting an access panel inside the car.
Ours went up by 4 cents over the weekend, lowest price increase though , we’ve been seeing 15-50 cents per increase all year long
You guys must be trailing us. Like Susquehana valley is trailing us on pet food shortages. Remember OMR couldn't find any here a couple of months ago. Back to the old days when pets got table scraps. Worked pretty well like that for a few thous years.
Only had MREs a couple times. I think they were much improved over the originals.
We were issued them when I went to Idaho, but never ate them.
I can send you a Gen 1 MRE and the current Gen, you’ll be amazed at the difference
Also with the weight of the rack on the front will it effect the tilt option for loading?
This is still ok, will work fine.... But who knows, by the time the satellite is finished we might have flyable car trailers!!
You guys must be trailing us. Like Susquehana valley is trailing us on pet food shortages. Remember OMR couldn't find any here a couple of months ago. Back to the old days when pets got table scraps. Worked pretty well like that for a few thous years.
Well I think you’re right.

rural areas are generally the first to feel a shortage and a price increase on goods, but on that same token, we’re normally slower to see fuel and utilities increases.

HOWEVER, the last couple of years, it’s been the opposite on fuel. We’re amongst the first to go up, we still have some days where not a single station has gas except for maybe premium. Propane has been in limited supply since 2020. I’m down to my last two tanks, luckily I had several(6) from the camper, all filled in feb 2020 for a big camping trip that didn’t happen due to Covid.

food shelves are still rather bare and in most cases way worse than 2020.

my theory is simply this, the population centers are getting the resupply faster and more consistent than us rural folks.

which is not surprising nor political. It’s simply because you’re gonna want your limited resources to go where it’s gonna get to the most number of people.

that, and us country folks can survive. We have and we will.
I think everyone was topping off much more frequently out of fear of a dramatic spike at any moment.
As long as they're not filling balloons!

Stupid winter gas. Last time it warmed up like this it pushed out of the fuel cap.
At least with the jeep it doesn't vapor lock on hot days. The Barracuda is a little touchy about that since I put the headers on.
Best part of MRE's were making water bottle bombs out of the heater pack. They were freaking load!
They’ve made it harder to do that now. They heat up even hotter than before and will melt the Gatorade bottle before the gas pressure builds up enough
I remember on 9 11 some one lit one off. Man that was not good at all, sirens etc! To say we were on the edge would be mild to say the least. Ahmed Al Jabber I was at.
Well I think you’re right.

rural areas are generally the first to feel a shortage and a price increase on goods, but on that same token, we’re normally slower to see fuel and utilities increases.

HOWEVER, the last couple of years, it’s been the opposite on fuel. We’re amongst the first to go up, we still have some days where not a single station has gas except for maybe premium. Propane has been in limited supply since 2020. I’m down to my last two tanks, luckily I had several(6) from the camper, all filled in feb 2020 for a big camping trip that didn’t happen due to Covid.

food shelves are still rather bare and in most cases way worse than 2020.

my theory is simply this, the population centers are getting the resupply faster and more consistent than us rural folks.

which is not surprising nor political. It’s simply because you’re gonna want your limited resources to go where it’s gonna get to the most number of people.

that, and us country folks can survive. We have and we will.
That makes sense just on logistics alone.

The more difficult decision is whether to restock immediately when starting to draw on your reserve.
Price vs. availability.
A buddy had some artillery simulators. The size of a pop can. Blew a hole in the base of a tree. The neighbors came running out of their houses. Thought someone's house blew up! :rofl::rofl: