Stop in for a cup of coffee

It is only 5 ft tall from the trailer deck. I use this trailer to haul truck cabs so they have to fit under it. And the might not as it is... It is getting bolted on in case of this...
So it’ll be removable?
I was going to say, with a low enough bridge anything is removable!! :rofl::rofl:

Sign says clearance to the twelve-foot line, but the chickens was stacked to thirteen-nine Well we shot that tunnel at a hundred-and-ten, like gas through a funnel and eggs through a hen And we took that top row of chickens off slicker than scum off a Louisiana swamp
The whole Carlisle logistics gets to be a pain. Getting there no problem. No one around yet. But leaving will be a pain. How to get stuff from the selling site to where the car and trailer is? I guess I could load car and bring it to the selling spot and load it. But still a pain. If showing a car do you have to leave it in place for Sunday?
No I didn't. Judging and lookers are done Saturday evening.
Also with the weight of the rack on the front will it effect the tilt option for loading?
LOL. Someone posted a Solyent Green screenshot the other day.
Apparently miss understood my reference to operation mincemeat.
Actual fuel prices stablized here. Down a few pennies from the peak.
Odd part is its being reported that the gasolines sale volume went up with the prce increase.
Buy high! Burn low?
Actual fuel prices stablized here. Down a few pennies from the peak.
Odd part is its being reported that the gasolines sale volume went up with the prce increase.
Buy high! Burn low?

I think everyone was topping off much more frequently out of fear of a dramatic spike at any moment.
Actual fuel prices stablized here. Down a few pennies from the peak.
Odd part is its being reported that the gasolines sale volume went up with the prce increase.
Buy high! Burn low?
Ours went up by 4 cents over the weekend, lowest price increase though , we’ve been seeing 15-50 cents per increase all year long
I remember when we first got MRE's. That was close to puppy chow. :eek: Just give me a C-rat!!
Gen one was horrible. The hot dogs were toxic! Thats why we dropped them on the starving Iraqis! I had some input on that actually! Pretty funny in the end.