Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good new pair of glasses coming, no big deal. man there are a bunch of houses going up in that area in the farm fields, thought I was lost!
It's Flamin' Friday!

Good morning :D
Urban sprawl for sure. Mini strip malls, other buildings fast food? Was down there last fall amazing how fast it goes up.
Looks like a good weather day to travel through the urban sprawl to Oceanside and Mother's house for the weekend :D
Here 15-20 degrees below normal and windy for the weekend. Ready for the real spring weather to show up.
So scoped out the pop yesterday. 99% sure I have a bad valve on #4 cyl. Dam No way can I do a leak down test on it no room at all. Acts like one runs find cold as soon as it gets hot starts to pop out the exhaust a bit. Dam this will suck to get that head off. Just 906 marine heads might be time to get a good set of aluminums for it. :mad::mob:
snow stopped. Finally.
Saw some pictures from north dakota. Wow, there is lots of snow.
Hey Chris

Did I miss an update on the storm assessment out at the farm?
Yeah let me find it. Basically everything in every direction got hit by a possible Ef0-EF1, winds somewhere in the 85-105 cat. But we took no damage... some how
We gots lucky. Just a few tree branches down. Neighbor 1/4 to the west lost a barn roof, nieghbor to the east a 1/4 mile lost part of their brand house’s roof. Farmer to the northwest lost his grain bins. Farmer 1 mile southwest lost a barn and his irrigation system. There’s also one grain bin in a field that apparently no one knows where it came from at the monent

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Morning all, a blustery 12F this fine Spring morning. More snow last night. And more snow coming this weekend. Doesn’t look to get over freezing at night thru at least all next week. Hopefully sun will work some magic and get rid of all this crap. Frank and I are certainly not looking at our lawn mowers yet! I am taking today off and going to do a bunch of holster work today. Arghh
Quicker than expected.... Ordered my computer Wednesday. Said delivery by Monday. As of last night it still did not show that it had shipped. Email this morning says out for delivery today! :thumbsup:
Good Morning