Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yes Temples or Pagodas, take your choice, basically the same thing. Get this though. I really since I've been so busy in Hanoi didn't realize that yesterday was actually Easter Sunday. So I'm visiting Buddhist Pagodas and Temples on Easter. Go figure huh?
heathen! So you finally joined my club. not only a member since 1962, but the president too!
Almost time to wander out to shop. Resume Firebird rust repair. Got left 1/4 kinda where i want it. So can weld in trunk drop and wheel tub.
Well my butt feels raw, just paid the tax man. Ouch
Just thought I would share this from one of my too many hobbies. I only collect US, but would love to get a pane of these... Ukraine held a stamp design contest and this was produced for actual postage in commemoration of a soldiers radio response when asked to surrender at Snake Island. The stamp is titled "Russian Warship go Fk Yourself" The ship pictured is the Moskva, it was the flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet. It sank while being towed back to port due to heavy damage - shortly after the stamp was issued on Aprill 14th...