Stop in for a cup of coffee

Went to a neurologist yesterday VA send out. She is really good a PA to boot also. Have another MRI scheduled, looks like from my last one that I had a stroke or two. I believe it when D was out of control. She might be onto something with the brain stem, part of it controls the unbalanced feeling. Hey did you know I am unbalanced?
Hope all goes well with treatment Ray.
Went to a neurologist yesterday VA send out. She is really good a PA to boot also. Have another MRI scheduled, looks like from my last one that I had a stroke or two. I believe it when D was out of control. She might be onto something with the brain stem, part of it controls the unbalanced feeling. Hey did you know I am unbalanced?
Prayers bud.
It's Falcon Friday!

Good morning :D
There is one in the junkyard here if it is still there might have to grab them. I stole the Autopilot system out of it. Sold it for crazy money.
Why I aint dead YET!:poke::rofl: But I did give my wife a sympathy card today since it is our as she says turdythirrd!
Hence the prayers. Lost way too many people the last two years that I know personally. I’m sick of it. So don’t you go off and die on us you hear!
From yesterday's low of 55° to today's present 57° our temp only varied 8° :lol: high of 63°
Either that or the gang at the weather station at the airport need to give the thermometer a good WHACK :lol:
Tonight is the 4th. Street cruise Show and Shine. Hundreds of cars and a bunch of us Mopar guys all park together. I wish someone would get some drone footage of the event. It's huge for our town. Tomorrow is the 4th. Street Cruise. Most of the cars at the Show and Shine cruise 4th. Street across the river and back like they did on Saturday night back in the 50's and 60's. Thousands of spectators on both sides of the river line the streets for the rolling car show and party.

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Tonight is the 4th. Street cruise Show and Shine. Hundreds of cars and a bunch of us Mopar guys all park together. I wish someone would get some drone footage of the event. It's huge for our town. Tomorrow is the 4th. Street Cruise. Most of the cars at the Show and Shine cruise 4th. Street across the river and back like they did on Saturday night back in the 50's and 60's. Thousands of spectators on both sides of the river line the streets for the party and rolling car show.

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Reminds me, I saw a LED traffic sign that downtown was having street closures for a car show. I should wander down and see if there are A-body/classic MOPAR folks.
Tonight is the 4th. Street cruise Show and Shine. Hundreds of cars and a bunch of us Mopar guys all park together. I wish someone would get some drone footage of the event. It's huge for our town. Tomorrow is the 4th. Street Cruise. Most of the cars at the Show and Shine cruise 4th. Street across the river and back like they did on Saturday night back in the 50's and 60's. Thousands of spectators on both sides of the river line the streets for the party and rolling car show.

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I may pop over to Beatersville this weekend. Big cruise in on the Ohio river. 1964 and older only
More coffee. Then back to my plumbing adventures getting downstairs crapper working.
Lowes still says I am getting the valve set today. No way that will happen. Says it will come by FedEx. FedEx shows info received/label created., but they don't even have the package yet and delivery 'by end of day Saturday'. As long as I see they get the package I will start tear out as planned tomorrow. I really hate the delivery waiting game...
Good morning everyone. Off to go see my hood yellow and check out how the stripes and lace will go down. Have a great day!
Getting stuff done. Rad support as ugly as it is will get a shot of paint first. And bumper crash bar. It was all out of whack, straightened the brackets. Then underside.
Back from the airport and tried one of those power naps ya'll were talking about. Didn't sleep but feel better after laying down for an hour. Time for more coffee. Have to remember to go get wife at airport on Monday : )