Stop in for a cup of coffee

Rise and Shine!

Good morning, sipping coffee and watching deer munching under oak and apple trees

Yesterday I was putting up hardware cloth in my garden and a Momma deer and her two babies came asking for an apple (yes, we feed them). So I throw them a couple apples and go back to work. Three minutes later this herd came around the corner of the house, word must have got out lol!

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I let nature feed the deer around here, the fawns still have their spots here

Probably what we should do. Fawns are losing their spots here, bucks are getting their racks and looking at my trees for rutting, glad I put up tree rings around them.
Daughters new car didn't come in, bad thing is salesman was supposed to give her a status since he had given her yesterday as a date. Shipping is delayed and the shippers communication has been as poor as the salesmans. Instead of forking out another $600 plus for another week of car rental wife is loaning daughter her car as she's going to Michigan to visit.
nice morning here, warm already. Going to be a hot one i think. May roast at the car show. Have to go vacuum and dust off the dash, stop at car wash and away we go. Should be a fun day.
I need to buy a vacuum gauge to do idle mixture adjustment, looking for a decent basic gauge, anyone have recommendations?
Took the boys to an airshow today. They had an A10 Warthog on the property. Pilot came down and gave the oldest a full tour and his very own 50mm AT shell.

It was awesome. Kid slept like a rock on the way home. Wouldn't put the shell down

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Totally relevant for todays needs. One of the most enduring air platforms on the planet for a reason. Ruthlessly effective, and virtually indestructible! And the sound when overhead is very distinctive and warms an infantryman’s heart!
Yesterday I was putting up hardware cloth in my garden and a Momma deer and her two babies came asking for an apple (yes, we feed them). So I throw them a couple apples and go back to work. Three minutes later this herd came around the corner of the house, word must have got out lol!

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They can smell an apple from the next county!
Totally relevant for todays needs. One of the most enduring air platforms on the planet for a reason. Ruthlessly effective, and virtually indestructible! And the sound when overhead is very distinctive and warms an infantryman’s heart!

And the Air Force hates them