Stop in for a cup of coffee

Matt that will hang up the weights you know. I only use the oem ones from stripped distributors, prob have a few hundred from 8-18 slots
It’s incredibly hard to find a bank here with as safety deposit box system still. Only one does and they have a waiting list. Ever since National city got bought out by PNC bank and closed all their branches .
I need to look for one of them myself.
Although we all know what Willie Sutton supposedly said...
I have two actually for at least ten years. One for papers the other for "stuff"
Glad he's workng out. View attachment 1715980507
Lemme know when you want to put him through Matt's crash course on performance timing from SE John, Tuner, and, Shrinker. View attachment 1715980508
Inlcuded will be how I learned the hard way complete with show and tell
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Not mine. Freezing rain and she goes to the far end of the tent and curls up on top of the straw, absolutely no interest in the blanket or me. As long as she knew where I was - that's at that mattered to her.

Even as an older dog, until maybe her last year, she'd be happy taking a snooze in the snow.
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Holley is more of a Sun dog. Loves laying out on the deck. Likes playing in snow. Will burrow her head in looking for something, but doesn't usually lay down in it long
Harley hates groundhogs, sho somehow goes into the holes and drags them out to kill them.
Earns her keep!

Ground hog damage wasn't too bad, but with a small garden, all damage adds up real fast.
String beans never recovered, but I did pretty well for a few weeks. Two pretty good pickings from them.
Squirrels and wiped out most the cukes and the eggplants.
I think the carrots may be OK.
Matt that will hang up the weights you know. I only use the oem ones from stripped distributors, prob have a few hundred from 8-18 slots
That was just show and tell from the school of teaching myself.
Took a few wrong turns in the learning curve.
Was original from a Chrysler built MP kit.
No longer in use. I got a fresh one from you. Maybe a two.
That was just show and tell from the school of teaching myself.
Took a few wrong turns in the learning curve.
Was original from a Chrysler built MP kit.
No longer in use. I got a fresh one from you. Maybe a two.
Ever need one let me know. Over 15 need to know right or left rotation.
I need to look for one of them myself.
Although we all know what Willie Sutton supposedly said...
Yep. Basically I have backed up my paper copies digitally, 2 usb drives and one master external hard drive. All locked in different fire proof safes and not all on the same property. It’s the paper originals I worry most about. My military file alone is three binders worth and won’t fit in any of my current safes
File them at the local court house, seriously they are certified origionals. My VA rep told me about it and I did it no fee either here. Military just save the orders, 214, LOD and enlist/discharge papers. Really all you need.
Not actually her, this is pretty accurate for Holley. LOL

Holley is more of a Sun dog. Loves laying out on the deck.
Chelsea liked laying out on the neighbor's deck.

When it was covered in snow and ice!

She really needed to be living someplace north of here.
Summers were a bit rough although she was generally a trooper about it.
File them at the local court house, seriously they are certified origionals. My VA rep told me about it and I did it no fee either here. Military just save the orders, 214, LOD and enlist/discharge papers. Really all you need.
Thanks!!! For my injuries I have all the leg work done to prove I was in a pay status. That’s always the big one for injuries on IDT weekends. It’s a huge pita
File them at the local court house, seriously they are certified origionals. My VA rep told me about it and I did it no fee either here. Military just save the orders, 214, LOD and enlist/discharge papers. Really all you need.
Woukd that make them public records though?
That's interesting. Never heard of that before.
I learned something in the coffee thread today!
I mean something useful. LOL