Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well we are getting closer to putting the kitchen in, got the floor laid finally. cabinets delivered Friday. We will paint today maybe hang cabinets tomorrow. Picture is of the kitchen progress. We got a stove!

Just had a cup of this stuff.Its really good.It has a long shelf life of 15 years.My 1st cup was strong.It has vitimans in it so if you use filtered water it will replenish your lost virimans.Its not cheap though!
Good coffee am all. Local car show here today. I was to late to get dart in. Going to be hottest day ever today. Might not visit. 101 here 845 AM.
Big University Ave. Cruise here afternoon and evening. I better stay home although I should be able to get a car out and crise without stopping to talk and expose them to Covid! Naw, I can't not stop to talk. I better just stay away. :rofl:
Here's a condensed cruise version. I hate the radio station and the head bangin' music they play. That music never existed back in the 70's and 80's when cruising Uni was popular.
Take it up a notch

That was great!

Phew. Had to come in the house to ice down. Not very high temp but humid....forced myself to finish the push mowing and edging.
Yesterday sucked here for high morning temp and humidity. Today the low was 75 and it's just now 81.
Phew. Had to come in the house to ice down. Not very high temp but humid....forced myself to finish the push mowing and edging.
Mowing done. That's all on the rider. Started shrubbery work with lopper and power hedge trimmer. I did have more leaves on the ground than expected this early and even some walnuts. At least the Silver Maple is looking the best it ever has this season! :thumbsup:

The feeder was a busy place yesterday. They are busy blasting around this morning. Fun to watch them play. One this morning took on a Finch. Hummingbird for the win!

They don't play around. Not scared of much anything
It was fun to watch the Finch turn his neck back and forth as the Hummer was darting back and forth sideways in front of him. He was so in his face and then he flew backwards and flew away sideways and away! Wish I had a video of that one.
It's Surfin' Sunday!

Good morning :D
The Express told me when I went to town just now that it's 80° already :eek:
Beach might be a good place to be. Be prepared for shrinkage though, sea never gits much above 60° round here :lol:
86F here! didn't know it was going that high today. Really not bad where I am cutting in the shade of the house. But getting rid of the trimmings is a long walk down back in full Might be done after I clean up from this one.

Bye bye 8-10 feet tall briars. Hello stand of white oaks I didn’t know I had( mostly to the left, more pics later) This is a corner I rarely have been able to get to because of the 2 acres worth of thick thick briars.

Bye bye 8-10 feet tall briars. Hello stand of white oaks I didn’t know I had( mostly to the left, more pics later) This is a corner I rarely have been able to get to because of the 2 acres worth of thick thick briars.

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briars suck. Will you just keep mowing it, or how will you keep from getting overgrown again?