Stop in for a cup of coffee

That looks pretty cool, wonder what that caliber "round" looks like, not familiar with pellet guns
Pointed work well
These are cool

On the plate today, continue with winch repair, got planetaries cleaned/lubed/assembled, mounted new motor. Tore a gasket and had to go into town for not only grease but sealant, dang! After that car show at a local casino and tonight there's a music festival downtown, band I'm seeing has opened for the Stones and more, local band that's taking off.
I could go hunting wabbits that are trying to get into garden, still don't have all hardware cloth up yet.
Almost time to clean up the garden for this year! Tomato plants are still producing, but starting to look ragged. Probably pick the last big batch of green beans today. Pumpkins are almost all orange and vines are near dead. One zucchini plant revived itself, so might get a couple more from it...

Had to do some woodchuck eradication recently. I'm a big fan of concrete to seal up burrows so they are not revisited
I like to dump a bucket of dog **** down their hole. :D

Good Morning All!
Oh hell yeah with all my 214's in the safety deposit box.
It’s incredibly hard to find a bank here with as safety deposit box system still. Only one does and they have a waiting list. Ever since National city got bought out by PNC bank and closed all their branches .
Almost time to clean up the garden for this year! Tomato plants are still producing, but starting to look ragged. Probably pick the last big batch of green beans today. Pumpkins are almost all orange and vines are near dead. One zucchini plant revived itself, so might get a couple more from it...

I like to dump a bucket of dog **** down their hole. :D

Good Morning All!
I didn’t get anything at all planted this year but check this out, all volunteer. I ran over most before I realized :mad:

Also on the list for sometime this weekend is changing out all spark plugs in daughters El Camino. That doesn't sound hard until you try to get to them all. Headers are in the way on over half, hoping I can get to them w/o removing anything I don't want to.
Looks like I will have help next year at Carlisle. Actually training a guy on distributors. Think he gets it. I like him he loves the older stuff. Actually picked up a 40's something pickup he is getting running.
Glad he's workng out.

Lemme know when you want to put him through Matt's crash course on performance timing from SE John, Tuner, and, Shrinker.

Inlcuded will be how I learned the hard way complete with show and tell

I believe that the dogs like to be touching us in their sleep to take advantage of the shared body heat... The more they contact us, the warmer they are from the combined body heat from the contact....
Not mine. Freezing rain and she goes to the far end of the tent and curls up on top of the straw, absolutely no interest in the blanket or me. As long as she knew where I was - that's at that mattered to her.

Even as an older dog, until maybe her last year, she'd be happy taking a snooze in the snow.
