Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's Woody Wednesday!


Good morning :D
Good morning all c\_/ . They say above normal here through Nov. 11th. Mornings around 50, around 75 by 3PM.
Morning, coffee is on here and its 50deg and windy. Horses didn't want to come out of the barn.
Off to get the rider and get these leaves under control. There's a good chance it will be the last time this season
Thank you and yes, I had a doctor tell me 16 years ago I had an enlarged hart, but this Hart specialist could not see evidence of that, said to put it to work and drop about 25 lbs :thumbsup:

My friend used to say to me...

How do you loose 20 lbs of ugly fat???

Cut off your head... :poke:
Excellent !! In the O.R. she told me Mike, I have great news, you have beuityful arteries even for a 30 year old, we was amazed, now I can exercise hard and get these old bones moving with out worrying.
We all are very happy this morning

Good to hear...
Dew should be near gone. Probably get some leaves chopped up...
Good Morning
Just got back in from doing mine. Lots of trees equals lots of leaves.
Been doing it every three or four days.
25-30 mph winds tomorrow so short grass means they go to the meadow.
Friday-Saturday 2-3" rain we need it none for the last month or so.
Morning Fred , you are getting our weather going to be 74 here today . Enjoy!
Morning all looks like a great day going to get up to 70* and the 22 years I've lived in this State I've never seen it this warm this time of year.
Not complaining I'm a happy camper..
Its toasty here too! But its not going to last. A few things to stow away and im ready.
Good Morning Gang. 93° and sunny here today, as per usual. Should be around 77 to 79° overnight tonight. Getting ready to take her to her yoga class and head to the cafe.
So I been working on the 29 truck and finally got the 93 year old flat bed fixed so next is putting bar stools on the side. Think I'm gonna do 8 total, 3 on each side and 2 in the back. I'm not good at figuring things out but I'm trying to.

Well cramed in a van riding 4 hours to the office. Get there around 7pm and start my 8.5 hour drive home.
I am the first customer today at my favorite cafe. Cafe Lan. 538 a.m. here in Vinh Long Vietnam. They open the doors when they saw me coming. They know I am a regular customer..

