Stop in for a cup of coffee

To much pressure?

Spewing out the carb bowl vent is usually dirt in the needle and seat preventing a good seal. Sometimes it will work itself out or you can bang on the top of the carb to break it loose.

In Chuck's case, he bought a carb from another member and put a "kit" in it, but didn't bother to replace the needle and seat which turned out to be bad. We replaced it with a new one and it stopped spurting...
Love finding old black and white movies I haven't seen before, on the internet. "Woman In The Window" with Edward G. Robinson and Joan Bennett, 1944. Going in, we know the woman is going to lead the man astray, but still, the acting, directing, photography, the old cars, keep it interesting.

Sitting down to watch it now!
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"Woman In The Window" with Edward G. Robinson and Joan Bennett, 1944. Going in, we know the woman is going to lead the man astray, but still, the acting, directing, photography, the old cars, keep it interesting.

It kept me in suspense right till the end, plenty of twists and turns, cool that You Tube has these old movies.
wow ...looks like I have missed out quite a bit in here.

FABO seems so boring now .....this thread is the most happenin thing here.

I cant get into the shark tank for some reason (N&P) when I try to get in, it just shows me the threads I have started in there over the years. :mob:
Shark tank? N&P? Please enlighten a foreigner, Rani.
g'morning - happy Monday.. there's an oxymoron for ya! LOL. I read that ad Ramie, and as soon as I saw who the seller is I changed my mind about calling him out. I have read some of his stuff and he has always seemed very straight - I think he will do the right thing for you here. ~~sometimes I over react.. thanks the Lord for my wife - girl keeps me in check most of the time..:D
actually it is happy Monday!!!

I love Mondays because every store and office is open I can hit the town and not have to worry about annoying ma and Pa hours like you do on weekends.
The News & Politics forum is called the "shark tank" because it can get a little heated in there...

yup ......this what he said.

it's really funny if you are bored because there are like five guys and they gang up on people who don't agree with them.

scary thing is I do agree with them on some stuff.
its payday here and new month and new things to do plus the weather is warming up ...I just went for a walk and its the first night since like last wed. that its not raining or snowing.

kinda brisk out but that just adds to the fun
I'm pretty lucky - even on Sundays there are enough things that are open and close by that I can usually get whatever I need before they close