Stop in for a cup of coffee

I just commented on a for sale thread. I present myself for punishment. I could not help myself. "68 Valiant 5000" and no picture.

I asked if it was Wonder Woman's 68 Valiant. I apologize now. I could not resist.
Thanks Rusty. That was as good as hitting the "report button. The dude didn't have anything that he needed for a sale thread. I deleted it and sent him this message.

Good evening men. Back home. Simone had a scheduled MRI this morning, who knows, 10 days till results...
Thanks Rusty. That was as good as hitting the "report button. The dude didn't have anything that he needed for a sale thread. I deleted it and sent him this message.

View attachment 1716055224
Crap and I wanted to asked if he had a picture of wonder women nude sun bathing on the hood.
That's a far as I'll take the joke for now.
I will leave you with this, as wonder woman was sunbathing.
From above Superman was flying over and decided for a hit and run. So bam, then wonder woman asks what was that , and the invisible msn replies I'm not sure but suddenly my butt hurts.
I have enough to do, and I really like this valiant.
Still looking for a 59 caddy convert. Just for childhood memories.
Caddy like that been runnin' round town for years here. He had a brake event and drilled a street light standard. I be darned if most of the Bent Axles car club didn't help him get it back together :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Who says you can’t fix an electrical connection by hitting it haha
I had a Toy truck that used to have a charge issue, too much mud in the alternator so a whack with the hammer would clean up the brush contact good enough to allow charging/the light to go out.