Stop in for a cup of coffee

Couple of years ago I was in the grocery store buying groceries, like I do once a week. When I get to the checkout, the clerk asked me do I want a paper sack or a plastic sack? I replied, I don't care, I am Bisacktual !!!!. Everybody around me fell out.
Kind of like when the lady asked me if I wanted my milk in a bag, I said no, I prefer it to be left in the jug
Hate those four letter words.
Not me.. i actually spend more time at work than home.. home is boring :) I own my place though.. so it's mostly relaxing and messing around.. brought in my seat frames to take to the seamstress a few doors down, she's gonna try recovering them for me..
Nice. My jpb was pretty high stress, glad theat era of life is over with though. Now do really what I want at my own pace.
Nice. My jpb was pretty high stress, glad theat era of life is over with though. Now do really what I want at my own pace.
I have no friends or much family so time alone is just alone and gets boring pretty fast. plus living in a frozen shithole i can only do stuff a few months of the year.. i really hate life in michigan. I mean. i could heat my garage and dress warm.. but.. i don't care THAT much :)
-21°. Thats a little better. This should be the end of the cold snap. With any luck we wont get any snow and spring can move in.
Studebaker should have the floor roughed in today. Ice fishing derby today,i stay away from that as a couple thousand people come into town for that. Wife got voluntold to work at the derby,so tomorrow we visit mom. Think it will be a day off tomorrow.
I have no friends or much family so time alone is just alone and gets boring pretty fast. plus living in a frozen shithole i can only do stuff a few months of the year.. i really hate life in michigan. I mean. i could heat my garage and dress warm.. but.. i don't care THAT much :)
I'm looking at Ecuador, or Portugal .
Only place i would like to move to is australia or NZ... maybe south france but all pipe dreams.. i will just die at work :)work for me is when you get a phone call.
Work for me is when I get a call. Some of us are never really retired.
You all are welcome here at my place in Vietnam anytime you all want to come here. You all would be amazed at this country,Now......
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Setting with a back brace on, threw my back out yesterday, moved wrong after 3 hours of pool shooting Thursday I believe.
Here is what I loaded in my truck that did it. My son said he can't believe I got it for 40 dollars, estate sale from an old friend that past away, Dr. Kiesker. A Fender Bassman 10 from 1967

Setting with a back brace on, threw my back out yesterday, moved wrong after 3 hours of pool shooting Thursday I believe.
Here is what I loaded in my truck that did it. My son said he can't believe I got it for 40 dollars, estate sale from an old friend that past away, Dr. Kiesker. A Fender Bassman 10 from 1967

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That's a steal sounds like you paying for it in pain though. Rest up.
Setting with a back brace on, threw my back out yesterday, moved wrong after 3 hours of pool shooting Thursday I believe.
Here is what I loaded in my truck that did it. My son said he can't believe I got it for 40 dollars, estate sale from an old friend that past away, Dr. Kiesker. A Fender Bassman 10 from 1967

View attachment 1716055397

I used to build tube amps and you got a UNREAL deal... especially in that condition

Bassman 10 for sale