Stop in for a cup of coffee

[ame=""]Rooster Crowing HD Video - YouTube[/ame]
I can't wake up! I keep playing the Rooster video but it doesn't help.

My ex wife was always raising chickens and had a Rooster that crowed all night. When she got up I had him in the sink all ready for the freezer. Maybe thats why she left.
Everybody left. I should have taken a shower!
Here comes another busy day :glasses7: Looks like the skies have cleared and a great looking sunny morning here Mike, I am waiting on my turn to take a shower :) the man on the couch is still sleeping (brother from Memphis) he stayed up late with our nephew by the looks of things :D I see a full bag of empty beer cans in the kitchen :color:
Looks like a pretty day here too Mike. Sounds like the boys tipped a few last night. I'm sure you guys had fun.
Did you get a chance to see the lunar eclipse Mike? It disappesared behind the neighbors house but a friend took some shots out on his acreage in the wide open. I'll share some photos on Facebook.
Looks like a pretty day here too Mike. Sounds like the boys tipped a few last night. I'm sure you guys had fun.

We (brother and I) took a drive and I showed him a new lake and drove to the river yesterday where little brother Dan (R.I.P) and us fished and drank a few back in the day :color:
He can handle a few more beers then I can tats for sure :D, today is weeding day, my niece
is getting hitched at 2pm, today is the first day for our drag strip to open #-o she picked a bad day to get married :angel12: I may have to be a no show at her wedding :D
Did you get a chance to see the lunar eclipse Mike? It disappesared behind the neighbors house but a friend took some shots out on his acreage in the wide open. I'll share some photos on Facebook.

Missed it #-o
Here's a few shots taken by my buddy Steve.


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Thank you Mike, it was cloudy here that time I believe anyway Not a cloud in the sky this morning, and wish I could pack a grill and cooler up and go to George Rays Drag strip today, there season opening day and I have to go watch my niece get married #-o
That will be fun Mike. Weddings are such a happy event and lots of relatives to catch up with. (and often beer to drink at the reception) LOL Plus you have a good excuse to get all gussied up. We need pics of you and Treva.
That will be fun Mike. Weddings are such a happy event and lots of relatives to catch up with. (and often beer to drink at the reception) LOL Plus you have a good excuse to get all gussied up. We need pics of you and Treva.

Well :glasses7: I will go as far as a button up shirt and new jeans :D Thats a gusssied up as I get :D But they know memikeie don't do slacks and ties, well not in many years any way :glasses7: I will see what I can do on a couple pictures of my wife and I :)
My Daughters Wedding In September 2014


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