Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning Mitch. Looks like Keith is stopping by today to help with the windshield. I have some venison to put on the grill.
Awesome, It's good to get a hand at some jobs. You say Venison? That reminds me, that I need to order more spice and cure for my jerky operation. I'll bring some to Carlisle if I can remember. LOL
One of my friends gave me a roast from the doe he hit by the end of my property.
I bet his ears are ringing? Or is it eyeballs since you read the post?
Good morning sirs,
I woke same time as usual without my alarm. Was trying to sleep a bit more, but heard you guys making noise. LOL
Morning keith, heard from Tike and he might stop by if the weather is bad, Going to Gettysburg with his kid. You like Venison?
Morning keith, heard from Tike and he might stop by if the weather is bad, Going to Gettysburg with his kid. You like Venison?

Havent checked the forcast yet today. I know they were expecting rain to clear out but not sure when.
Yes on the Bambi. Havent had any for a while. I dont hunt. But i used to get a fair amount of donations.
Cool, we will throw it on the grill with some garlic, rosemary and a lot of pepper.
8 am through painting and reassembling my truck and it's looking like a work on the duster kind of day.
I have a member coming over to get a windshield in, Having a hard time with it and do not understand why.
It's a chebby


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