Stop in for a cup of coffee

Nobody up yet?? Must've been one heck of a reception last night!!! I'm heading out early to pick up a couple 66 Cuda's!! Going to stop and look at a 69 Dart and a round light Ramcharger also!!

Morning all, I'll put the kettle on for you!! Geof
I'm up for a minute. Had to let the dog out...

He chewed on a comforter in my living room last night while I was out, so I punished him and wouldn't let him sleep in the room with me...

Now he's very appreciative that I let him back in the bed....
What else is a dog to doo?

He has chew ropes, tennis balls, and soccer balls that he's allowed to chew when he gets the urge.

But when he gets bored, he causes trouble. He gets the urge to chew on something. He likes to rip the fuzz off of tennis balls and make them bald...

If I come home with a wristband from a hospital or concert, he will chew it off of my wrist for me....

He will also take my band aids off.

He's so attached to me, that sometimes when I go out, he will stay outside my bedroom door and wait for me to get back... Only when I'm gone will he go hang out in the boys bedrooms with them...

When I'm home, he follows me into every room. Unless someone has food for him to beg from, he's always around me...

I was raised with/by Dalmatians. We had one before I was born, and she became my best friend growing up. Whenever I would get hurt, I would cry to her, and she would lick my tears until I stopped crying. She looked out for me and my brother and would fight any other dog that messed with us, even if they were bigger than her.. You don't mess with her kids...

When my brother was 5, the neighbor across the street's german shephard bit my brother and he came home crying. Our Dal snuck out of the house and went across the street and kicked her ***. The shephard was twice her size, our Dal was only 44 lbs, but she was tough. She beat the german shephard up so bad, that whenever my dad took her out in the front yard after that, the german shephard would run and hide around back of her house. She was scared of our Dalmatian after that - and never bit my brother again...

So, I'm kinda like a young kid in the wild that was raised by the wolves. I know my Dalmatians real well, and they really bond with me... She used to go to bed with me every night with her body under the covers and her head on the pillow with me and my arm around her. Our other Dal would sleep at the foot of my bed with us also...

Her's a picture of me and her sleeping below. The other picture below is of our other Dalmatian at the time. She was a real good jumper and could climb out of an 8 foot chain link fence. She was only 38 lbs, but my dad used to say that she had springs for back legs... She could also track a fly for 5-10 minutes, then jump 3-4 feet off the ground to catch it mid-flight...

And some people say that Dalmatians aren't good with kids... They are sooo wrong...


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Probably, I have a buffing wheel and ss compound. It has some goo on it from the old sealant. See what removes it. I think MEK will work.
I think I have some somewhere.

Karl you were a cute kid what happened?
So what plans do all have for today?

I got a 22 lb ham to cook for me and my younger son. The older boy went to Detroit to go to the golf club with grandma and grandpa, then hang out there for a while.

I invited my brother to come for dinner, or I will bring some to his house (I don't have room to feed all of us - too much clutter in the dining room). But I offered to cook and bring it over to his place so we can get together. This is the first easter without mom and grandma, so half our crew is now gone. I used to go to mom's and we would cook together for everyone to keep the family together on holidays. I'm trying to keep what's left of the family together on holidays... My brother and I are now "on top of the pecking order" now that mom and grandma are gone... When we are gone, our kids have to stick together and have each other's back...

Then put some gas in the old mowers that I tuned up yesterday and see if they will start.... I still haven't unpacked the new one and got it ready yet. I'm gonna see if I can get away with the "beaters" first before putting some wear and tear on the new one. My yard is hard on mowers, with the flagstone lining the creek, and all of the trees in my yard. I completely destroyed a brand new blade last year. I couldn't believe that it is bent, so I replaced it....

I wasn't happy with the lawn service, so I started doing it myself last year. Now it's done to my liking, and I don't have to watch them to make sure that they are doing things right. I keep telling them not to dump the leaves in the creek, but catch them every year... I paid for them to clean my gutters, but last year when i did it myself, the back garage gutters had weeds with roots in the gutters... How did they clean them if I have a good root system in there??? Funny, they are not cluttered up this year after I cleaned them last fall.... The owner of the lawn service insisted that his guys were cleaning the gutters when I brought it up. So now, I take care of it myself, to my liking...

Then I have a chapter to read and problems to do for my GD&T class tomorrow....
Sounds like a great plan Karl. Keeping close with family is soooo important. Sue and I are going to Easter Service this morning. Then just hang around the house today. Family is here and there , so Sue and I are hosting a big dinner on Wednesday Eve when all can be here. Nice Spiral Cut Ham. Yummm
So you got the windshield in. That's great!

I get to go to my sisters for dinner today. I am going to take my Mom to church and then we head out to my sisters.