Stop in for a cup of coffee

It be hot dog and potato salad night . Dog smothered in onion and bacon with kinda hot mustard potato salad and egg.
Alka Seltzer for desert should top it off nicely.
It be hot dog and potato salad night . Dog smothered in onion and bacon with kinda hot mustard potato salad and egg.
Alka Seltzer for desert should top it off nicely.
I am having Snapper soup, with a bottle of Sherry .

I have some leftovers in the refrigerator at my house here in Vietnam.. Yesterday I fried up some potatoes that I bought here and cooked up a beef burger, chopped it up. Added some Johnsonville sausage pieces cut up, some bacon I had previously fried, 2 eggs and some cheese. It was pretty damn good if I may say so myself. Only ate half of it. The other half is earnestly waiting on me in the refrigerator at home. Right now at a cafe with friends having some iced coffee. :thumbsup:
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I have some leftovers in the refrigerator at my house here in Vietnam.. Yesterday I fried up some potatoes that I bought here and cooked up a beef burger, chopped it up. Added some Johnsonville sausage pieces cut up, some bacon I had previously fried, 2 eggs and some cheese. It was pretty damn good if I may say so myself. Only ate half of it. The other half is earnestly waiting on me in the refrigerator at home. Right now at a cafe with friends having some iced coffee. :thumbsup:
Tell your friends Hi from me and would enjoy there company at my house but don't expect some exotic goat balls and snake parts. More like beef steak and chicken here.
I think the gears arent messing to well this morning . Felt like Saturday. Then again everyday is.
-10°c and a high of 0°. Pretty soon the night time low will be near ir above freezing.
Friday song = Friday is my favorite, Friday is my favorite, Friday is my favorite day eh eh

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Rain/snow mix for a couple hours this morning then straightens out a bit. Finally saw 50 degrees as a high, coming March 16 lol!