Stop in for a cup of coffee


Dan the Man?

Someone asked about Zinc in oil?

First reply on /6 torque build was an insult about /6 motors?

Questions about what size tire will fit on a 68 Dart?

:rofl: :rofl: No but another 318 cam thread! :lol::lol:
man I just realized I am going to need to get a bigger spade drill bit for the slant shelves. Dam A hole saw would suck doing 60 holes.
This afternoon Ted and I are doing a double barrel pick. Laws and Filibuster Bourbons. Ir should be fun.
Man a guy just called me he has 30 slant cores. Prob will pull the trigger on them. 60's to mid 70's. perfect
This afternoon Ted and I are doing a double barrel pick. Laws and Filibuster Bourbons. Ir should be fun.
I like the way they do it.

Wow, all before 8:30. Like Dad used to say: shave, ****, shower, and shine my shoes. It must have been a Navy thing. @halifaxhops ?