Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everyone. Snowed last night. Couple inches it appears. Supposed to get 38 with rain, sleet, snow. Yay...
Groundhog Phil says Spring is on it's way! Our main river is up 4 feet. I didn't think we got that much rain the other day
-17° thats almost zero f. Should be the last really cold day. And i mean it this time.
53 this morning, 72 for the high
Now for a cup of coffee
So I can open my eyes
We all know it's Monday
Ain't no big surprise

:lol: :rofl: :wtf:
Happy belated birthday @Mopar Tim

Supposed to go to the VA today 6 month check. To dam shitty to drive, oh well deal with it.
So got the first dist shelf up, 8'x1' holds 33 distributors nicely. Just need 11 more to start! :BangHead:
So Friday I get the honor of participating in the funeral/repatriation of a fallen and former MIA Korean War Vet who’s remains were recently discovered and ID.

Bit of a different funeral than I’ve ever done before. And I’m sure, lots of media again
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We shoe horned a 500 Caddy motor in a gremlin. Scary ride did not last long though:rofl: Used lots of coat hangers and PBR to do it!!!!!!!