Stop in for a cup of coffee

The storm they predict is coming for us should alleviate some of that snow, here on the left coast anyway. Could make quite a mess in SoCal. Add 2" of warm rain to 4' of snow that gives you 6" of rain in total in the last week in most of them SoCal mountains. Not gonna be pretty.
This weekend the nearby Speedway over in the San Joaquin Valley has cancelled 2 events for predicted weather. Motorcycle Flat Track and Speedway Bikes and something they call The I 5 Mudfest involving 4x4s. Mud, 4x4s, more rain, Go for it :lol: They're playin' in the mud already :lol:

Has a MOPAR /6 and 4-speed
Getting a little dusting of snow. But its not terrible cold. I will take it. Still messing with the gmc,getting more wiring figured out.
You guys are all fancy.... there isn't much in this world that can't be fixed with a caulk gun and silicone
All caught up. Good morning. Going to wash and wax 66 today. Might take it on a longish drive. Car only has 260 miles on it since complete rebuild
So, my boy came into work today for a meet and greet with the Materials Lab. There may be a chance for a summer internship. Fingers crossed.
Sitting in the waiting room at the Dr office. Just a check up. Makes me wonder if I am at the right place. LOL
Nice... Internships pay off. Good luck Eric
Yeah thanks, we are hoping for a summer internship vs a co-op as the co-op is 6 months and it will delay his graduation. This would get him work experience, show what he can do, and be on a study the first of its kind here. All wins.
Sitting in the waiting room at the Dr office. Just a check up. Makes me wonder if I am at the right place. LOL
BP was low (good) waiting to get a *** chewing about my weight. I need to start walking again. :BangHead: :mob::rofl:
BP was low (good) waiting to get a *** chewing about my weight. I need to start walking again. :BangHead: :mob::rofl:
Not sure how bad your weight is, but i went on keto and lost 70# in like 6 months while eating like a pig.. i had to stop cause i got WAY too skinny (146#) easiest diet ever and i felt amazing :)
Not sure how bad your weight is, but i went on keto and lost 70# in like 6 months while eating like a pig.. i had to stop cause i got WAY too skinny (146#) easiest diet ever and i felt amazing :)
I need to try something. I'm up to 240
I need to try something. I'm up to 240

If you ever decide to try it lemme know.. if you read bout it people make it sound hard and it's not... basically no carbs.. so.. all the bacon/cheese/meat and salad you want.. no bread/rice/sugar, takes bout a week to get used to then it's easy. I felt like i was 18 again.. if i get bigger i'll gladly go back on it.. i'm still only at 170 after like 2 years of being off it though