Stop in for a cup of coffee

This is right now...


Just curious if anyone here knows anyone that has bought a shortblock from prestige motorsports? they are offering forged 408 shortblocks for like 3300 which seems too cheap...
Morning already 70 here. We get the condo today spent the night at the Air Force Inn the base where my daughter and family live. Government controlled thermostat colder than crap in the room ugh!!
Ready for the beach, beach scenery, and warmer weather!! Have a great Friday!!
Prestige also warranties their motors... i have heard good things bout them but i can't recall where :) No biggy, just looking. Sorry to fill this thread with nonsense.. back to coffee talk!
4x4 shop figured out what was going on with my lift after I told them I wanted my money back. Ordered it on Dec 13th and their warehouse screwed it away by not ordering until they had a lot to order. Basically the shop was trying to save me shipping. Owner who is a good dude called me, apologized, is eating the shipping and said it will be here this week. I'm thinking how about a cut on that labor which is now $140 per hour.
It has and thats a newer one 2002 also and strange they don't show the sticker on the side.
It's showing some.garbage coming in between 8 and 11 this morning but it's 37° already so most likely a passing rain event.
Should start snowing here any time now. Temps to stay above freezing and likely be rain this afternoon. so expected mostly be a slush event.
Good Morning
Should start snowing here any time now. Temps to stay above freezing and likely be rain this afternoon. so expected mostly be a slush event.
Good Morning
Mostly slush. Ours was. Damn hard to move. I didn't even get the snowblower out. It slid off the garage roof and piled up in front of the door. I has to shovel it with a aluminum scoop shovel.
Mostly slush. Ours was. Damn hard to move. I didn't even get the snowblower out. It slid off the garage roof and piled up in front of the door. I has to shovel it with a aluminum scoop shovel.

RED X ... wet snow.

We had some flurries kick off but it's stopped with nothing to show for it